🔞 Hypnotized 🔞

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Sakura Haruno never would have predicted that this would be the outcome from this afternoon's little "talk show". Who would have thought that a hypnotist would actually have been able to truly hypnotize her and with the sound of bells no less.

A Sasusaku au smutty snippet.


Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Tinkle. Jingle. Ring.
'—a small bell began to chime—'
Thump... thump... thump...

It's not as if she should have expected anything less; she just didn't think that the hypnosis would have actually worked... and so easily as well. The pinkette almost regretted going on that little "talk show" to begin with just a few hours ago; almost, but not quite.

It wasn't as if she minded kissing Sasuke; no that wasn't really the issue. The strong urge to do so, that plagued her with every single minute ringing of a bell, those were a different matter entirely. It was like an invisible pull was drawing her closer and closer to her target (closer to the boy whom she had been crushing on ever since she could remember), even though she fought desperately to keep the urges to do so at bay. Sakura was a strong woman after all; but clearly... not strong enough to fight her true desires and the constant tugging on her body as the sounds and feelings grew more intense, with each passing second—

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Tinkle. Jingle. Ring.
'—another, much larger, bell began to chime—'
Thump... thump... thump...

It was a futile effort; for the stronger she resisted, the harder it was to hold herself back, due to the strength of the pull. 'Stupid bells,' she thought as her body began to sing once more; the desire to reach over, to touch, and lock lips with the young man who was sitting across from her was strong. The sounds of soft, melodic chiming and her own harsh breathing were the only noises to be heard in the room (at least to her own ears) and Sakura was having an extremely hard time concentrating on anything else; anything other than the dark-haired Uchiha.

By the time the sixth bell began to chime, Sakura Haruno was done for; a complete and utter mess of tense nerves and hormonal energy.

The pull was much, much to strong to ignore this time around and so... with great reluctance... (but mostly eager anticipation) Sakura made her move.


Thump... thump... thump...

The pinkette was highly embarrassed, to say the least. When Sakura had rose from her chair and began to make her way over to Sasuke... he had lifted his head slightly to watch her, with a silent and critical eye; his face a mask of indifference, though the woman still saw a flick of something (that she couldn't quite recognize) pass across his onyx-colored irises.

When she had practically thrown herself onto his lap, to straddle his narrowed hips with her thick thighs, the young man couldn't hide his surprise while his large hands came up to grasp onto the soft mounds of her curves. And then, when she had kissed him—

Thump... thump... thump...

Sakura pressed her very heated cheeks against his shoulder more firmly, nuzzling into his flesh as tightly as she could and absolutely refusing to even look at him. Though, she knew that Sasuke really wanted her to. "I'm so sorry Sasuke-kun, I just... well I... and you... and it..."

'Ugh! I always ramble when I get nervous...'

"Sakura...," the roughness to his voice caught her off guard and when she finally gained the desire and courage to look at him once again... her face flushed anew, with the intensity in which he was acknowledging her. His arms tightened their hold on her lower back as he wrapped them around her and he pulled her flush against him; holding her hostage in his strong grip. "You can be so... annoying sometimes." Sakura's mouth opened to protest, but before she could his lips were upon her; hungry for more.


... licking...

... and tasting—

Thump... thump... thump...

Tongues were soon caught up with swirling and twisting between them while their hands roamed freely along the other person's exposed skin.

Seconds turned to minutes...

... and it wasn't long before they were completely undressed; with Sakura sitting astride his lap and her slick, damp folds poised above his rigid, stiff cock. "S-Sasu... ahh!"

The young woman cried out sharply as he lifted his hips upwards; smoothly and easily sliding into her. Then, when he pulled her down by the hips, he was fully sheathed within her tight core. The pinkette was panting while resting her forehead on his shoulder; her small hands held the back to the chair that they were sitting on for support.

Thump... thump... thump...


It was a silent question; one that Sakura decided to answer with her actions instead of her words because she feared that she wouldn't be able to speak properly if she tried. So, she slowly began to glide. At first with up and down motions before changing them up to a more back and forth type of movement; using only slow and very deliberate maneuvers. Even though they were slightly jerky and didn't form any real synchronization at first, it was still just as pleasurable for the both of them; and so, she continued.

She rose and sank onto his thickness repeatedly as she lifted her head from his shoulder to gaze into his lustful and dark eyes. Sakura and Sasuke weren't wild and frantic with their lovemaking that evening; but merely calm and quite tame, all things considering. Nevertheless, it was enough to bring them closer and closer to pleasures so immense that it might just consume them both entirely in a fiery pit of ecstasy.

Sasuke was the first to reach his climax; his grip on her waist tightened as his narrow hips began to gyrate wantonly and without rhythm or reason.

The female could feel her lover's large cock swell against her slick walls before white-hot heat began to surround her insides. She didn't contemplate this for long (the fact that he had just cum inside of her without protection) and continued to try and grasp her own release; before Sasuke became too sensitive and was then unable to help her do so.

Thump... thump... thump...

She reached between them, fingers sliding along her sweat-drenched skin, before she reached the swollen little pearl at the top of her sex.

The pinkette's fingertips slowly and deliberately brushed over it repeatedly, sending shock wave after shock wave of pleasurable heat straight to her core. She threw her head back and pushed a little fast... a little harder... against him, and just as she felt his large hand move to her upper back while his thin lips made sweet, sweet contact with one of her distended nipples... she came.

With a harsh cry, she continued to grind against his hips (at the exact same time that her inner walls constricted repeatedly) until the very last waves of pleasure had left her body; making her feel utterly and completely boneless.

Sakura slumped against him while Sasuke's arms came up to circle around her; holding the pink-haired woman protectively against his muscular chest as his hand moved to rub her back in a soothing pattern.

They both seemed to simply ignore the hot and sticky feeling of their sweaty skin rubbing and coming into contact with each other in favor of just simply enjoying each other's company in the aftermath of their heated encounter.

Sakura was the first one to break the silence. "S-Sasuke-kun... I..."

"Shh," he hushed her gently; his cheek coming to rest against the top of her head as his large hand continued to stroke her back. "There's no need to explain, Sakura. I understand."

The pinkette was glad, because she didn't really know what to say or what to do. She just wanted to enjoy this moment with him and hoped to god that she didn't hear any more bells for the rest of the evening. She didn't know if she would be able to handle a round two with her experienced lover. Though, if it truly came down to it, Sakura knows that she would gladly do so. Willingly and with an opened and affectionate heart.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now