🔞I Know How to Change Your Mind 🔞

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Uchiha Sasuke. The Uchiha Sasuke was a strong man, a powerful man. He was a god's reincarnation and could make black flames (amaterasu) appear using his mangekyo sharingan. The only living Uchiha and holder of the purple rinnegan, he was a man feared by most due to his troubled past. There was little he feared and few who dared defy him. He was also putty in his pink haired girlfriend's hands (though he would never admit that out loud). She knew how to work him and bend him to her will (using subtle smiles and soft touches), the poor man was wrapped around her finger before he even realized what that meant and tonight was one of those nights.

"Sakura, I said no. I'm not going."

"But Sasuke..."

"No." His word was final and he turned his gaze away from her quickly as to not get caught up in her puppy dog pout. It always pulled on his heart strings and he knew he would eventually cave if he looked at her for to long.

Sakura huffed and crossed her arms over her chest before a wicked idea popped into her head. She smirked to herself and calmly made her way towards her defiant boyfriend. She leaned over him and placed her arms on the couch behind him, effectively boxing him in then placed a soft kiss on his neck; he involuntarily shuddered. Her smirk grew wider.

Plump lips moving up to his ear and she whispered, "Please, Sasuke-kun."

"No," but his reply came out a lot more hoarse than he would have liked so he cleared his throat as his mouth ran dry. He knew what she was attempting to do and he was determined that this time...this time he wouldn't give in. Her hands moved to rub his thighs in a sensual manner while she lowered herself to her knees before him. His eyes bulged, his cheeks dusted a soft pink and his hand clenched at his side. She wouldn't..."Sakura, what are you..."

"Are you sure you won't change your mind? I could make it...worth it," her husky voice was doing things to his body, causing it to betray him and react to the sensual pleasure her touch and voice provided. Her movement was so quick he didn't even have time to react and before he knew it his pants and boxers were down to his knees and her hand was wrapped around his thick member firmly. Fuck.

"Come on Sasuke-kun, it's only for one night and we don't even have to stay that long," she whispered as she brought her lips to his tip, kissing it softly before lowering her head to lick his length from base to tip. He gasped and his hand moved instinctively to grab the back of her head, wrapping his fingers into her hair and pushing her close to his hardened cock. His head moved to rest against the back of the couch and his legs parted to give her more room. His hips jerked upwards towards her in an attempt to gain contact with her soft lips. He could tell she was smirking and shut his eyes tight, attempting to gain control of himself but when she brought him into her mouth he knew he was a goner.

He came quickly shouting her name to the heavens. Her movements precise (practiced) and exquisite as always. He slowly came to his senses and opened his eyes slightly to glare daggers into her; but the little minx only chuckled, clearly pleased with herself. "So...will you go? Please," she asked, batting her eyelashes at him, and pouting in a way that made her look adorable (not that he would ever use that word out loud). He ran his fingers through his thick hair in exasperation before he sighing in defeat.

"Fine. Let's go," he said as he adjusted himself before slowly making his way to the door.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now