🔞Teasing on the Road🔞

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He raced through the trees, jumping from branch to branch, attempting to locate his young wife amongst the foliage but she was so far doing a good job of concealing her presence even from him. He growled in irritation as his growing need made itself ever present against the fabric of his clothing. She had teased him...touched him...turned him on till he wanted to shove her against the nearest tree and pound into her till her voice grew hoarse from screaming his name...and then she ran from him. He was ready for this silly game of hers to end but at the same time the whole thing was slightly thrilling for the young man. He was literally chancing her through the forest and the prize if (no when) he managed to capture her...was her body. 

He paused on a thick branch high up off the ground. His ears strained to hear the slightest snapping of a twig or the rustling of leaves but all remained quiet around him, apart from a few birds chirping high above his head. Unable to use his eyes to find her due to her rules he frowned as he searched the best, he could in the growing darkness that blanketed the forest. Finally, after looking around a moment he saw it; the slight pink against the otherwise dull surroundings indicated his wife's hiding place, her unique hair giving her away. He smiled wickedly as an idea popped into his head. Silently he made a clone and sent him on ahead, past her so she would assume he was moving on to look for her a she hides his chakra and moved swiftly till he was just behind her. 

He saw the smirk on her face, she was satisfied with herself for seemingly escaping her husband's clutches for the time being. She then stepped out of her hiding spot, crouched down low and took a few steps back until her backside hit the lower half of his legs. She paused, he saw her body tense and smirked with satisfaction as he saw her turn slowly, bright green eyes wide and jaw slack. 

His arm snaked around her waist and hauled her to him. Her gasp made his smirk only grow and he loved the feel of her hands on his chest as she held herself in place. "Sasuke-kun, I thought..."

"Sakura," he growled leaning down to lick the shell of her ear before placing a firm kiss to her neck. She moaned softly as he rocked his hips into hers, his hard member pushed against her causing delicious friction, he had to refrain from rolling his eyes in the back of his head. "Look what you've done to me. What are you going do about it?"

Her smile was sinful as she pushed away from him slightly, lowering herself to her knees before grasping his waistband in her hands, never breaking eye contact with her lover. "Let me show you," she whispers seductively and show him she did.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now