🔞 Caught 🔞

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                                  (Sasusaku au)

Itachi Uchiha was a strong man.

He was a hardworking man.

He was a man whom didn't cower under pressure and he was a man who didn't scare or startled easily.

That is... until today. For today was completely different than any other day. Because today when he arrived at his brother's apartment complex to pick him and his new girlfriend up for a lunch date so that Sasuke could introduce her to the family... he walks in on a most shocking sight.

His brother was having sex... with the pink-haired woman Itachi has seen in several photos on his brother's Facebook page. Her name was Sakura Haruno... and she was Sasuke's new girlfriend. Itachi's dark eyes widened where he stood by the front door in shock for a moment as even the sounds of soft moaning and low grunts coming from the young couple didn't stir him into action; he was quite literally frozen in place with his large hand still poised on the door handle and his mouth was still slightly open for a greeting that never left his lips. Sasuke was pinning his lover down on their kitchen table with his much larger body; the height of which was just perfect for his brother to easily take her. The woman's shirt was pulled down so her petite breasts were exposed, one of which Sasuke was currently latched onto as he pushed himself deep within her. Luckily for Itachi the rest of them was mostly covered as it looked as if they had been in too much of a hurry to rid themselves entirely of their clothing. His brother's pants were still up, though they hung precariously on his hips and the bottom of Sakura's skirt was hiked up to her belly with her panties pushed to the side, giving the young man just enough space to enter her easily. Itachi blinked.



Before he cleared his throat loudly; effectively starting the two young lovers. The scrapping from the tables legs upon the floor ceased before both partners glanced in his direction. The scowl on his brother's face told Itachi of his displeasure at being interrupted but when he glanced at the young woman... her bright, green eyes went wide as saucers before a loud, ear piercing screech had Sasuke flinching and Itachi placing a hand over one of his poor ears. Sakura blushed deeply before shoving his younger brother off of her; closing her thighs quickly and wrapping her arms around her breast to effectively block his view of her lady parts... not that he was staring or anything. She then swiftly sprang from her seated position on the wooden table before dashing down the hallway; the loud slamming of a door told him she must have gone to make herself more presentable and get rid of some of the embarrassment at being caught.

Sasuke tsked in annoyance before adjusting himself back into his clothing; he then began working to straighten the fabric back into a more presentable fashion. He turned to his older brother after he was done and crossed his arms over his chest as his dark eyes narrowed further. "Have you heard of a thing called knocking? Normally, you're always one for politeness."

Itachi sighed before running a large hand down his face. "Sasuke, I did knock. You were just to... busy to answer. How about next time you lock the door before... engaging in such conduct."

"This is my house. I'm aloud to... 'engage in such conduct' whenever and wherever I please."

"True. But let's not get into it just now, alright. Mother and Father are waiting for us after all. Go get Sakura so we can be on our way. Don't want to be late." Sasuke huffed in irritation before turning to walk away, in the same direction his girlfriend had fled to. When Itachi heard her voice grow higher behind the closed door as the couple began to argue, probably about what he had just whiteness, he decided to wait outside.

Next time he came to visit... he would be sure to make a point of knocking extra loudly.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now