🐺 I Choose You: Part 1 🐺

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(Sasusaku; werewolf au)

Sasuke had to admit that this female, this exotic she-wolf who stood proudly across the field from him was most definitely ballsy. No woman had ever dared to talk to him the way that this one had; and if he was being honest with himself, he found that it was both intriguing and exciting all at the same time. She had bashed his masculine pride from the moment she stepped foot into the small arena and for some strange reason he had remained completely silent, allowing her to voice her opinions openly and freely; which was highly unusual for the young Uchiha and alpha-to-be. He wasn't normally one to tolerate any type of insubordinate behavior from his pack of wolves and normally he would strike them down swiftly by putting them in their place if they so much as even looked at him the wrong way. That was the way he was brought up after all; to be a strong alpha male, to be a disciplined and strict leader, to be a fierce warrior on and off the field.

But this female did something to him...things that both frightened and amused him all at the same time; which was very confusing for the young werewolf. Sasuke almost couldn't believe that this she-wolf was the one that his mother had picked for him; I mean seriously, what in the hell was she thinking. His gaze narrowed significantly as the petite female with intriguing pink hair and vibrant green eyes smirked widely at him while her small hands came to rest upon her rather curvaceous hips; which drew his dark gaze in their direction and he couldn't help but let his eyes linger there for a second longer than was actually necessary...for she was blessed by the moon goddess herself in that department; she has a perfect body for bearing pups...his pups as a matter of fact. Sasuke visibility shook his head as he tried to clear his foggy mind of those kinds of thoughts because now most certainly wasn't the time for his foolish baser needs to make an appearance. No... he definitely needed to focus; he had a feeling he would need to stay on his toes with this one.

"Funny," she spoke evenly; clicking her tongue and rolling her green eyes as if she was annoyed by simply being in his presence. "I thought that the Uchiha males were supposed to be more... impressive." She then eyed him up and down as if he was some filthy mutt unworthy of her time. "You don't look like anything special. Especially... well... let's just say that it most certainly doesn't look like you're packing anything... major either," her eyes then darted downwards where they came to rest for a second on his crotch and Sasuke growled lowly at her in warning. The pinkette's smirk widened significantly as she moved into a defensive stance; readying herself for his attack. "Come on then...let's see what you've got... alpha." The way she was mocking his title angered him further; but he also felt his body beginning to stir with want as the need to dominant this female...the need to mount this she-wolf and show her exactly who the real alpha around here was grew as a significant presence in the back of his mind that he was having a hard time pushing away as it continued to make its presence known... in some rather annoying ways; one of which included the rather large and hard bulge now present in the front of his pants.

"Let me show you...female... why you shouldn't mock an alpha." He gave her no time to register his movements because within seconds after his small speech, he was directly in front of her. The two wolves' limbs then flew between them as they exchanged hard blows; dodging and blocking everything the other threw at them with relative ease as they both seemed to be an equally matched pair. The closer he got to the female the more her sweet scent seemed to surround him; which made him faulted several times, giving her room to strike a harsh and accurate blow. Sasuke may have been angry at all the words that spewed from the woman's mouth; but even so, the dark-haired male couldn't seem to find it in himself to really try and bring significant harm to the pinkette.

"I'm going to end this quickly," she screamed and began to push forward towards him swiftly which forced Sasuke's large body to move back as he tried to keep at least a small amount of distance between them. Their exchanging of blows lasted much longer than the Uchiha had first anticipated because this woman turned out to be both ruthless and relentless in her attack. 'She's been well trained', he thought as he continued to easily dodge and block her fist and feet. It may have seemed to an untrained eye that she was gaining the upper hand, but in fact she wasn't; Sasuke was simply bringing her exactly where he wanted her and was waiting for the right time to make his final strike; and it finally came when the female brought her fist to his side to try and strike at his ribs. The male quickly countered by blocking and then grasping her small wrist tightly before he twisted her around so that she was then thrown harshly to the ground where she was now lying flat upon her back. Before she could rise from the dirt, he was on top of her; grasping both of her wrists with his large hands before he pinned them down so they rested just above her head with his legs trapping hers beneath his own just in case she tried to kick out at him. The dominant male's face was just inches from the pinkette's and the couple's harsh breaths mixed together between them as they both continued to glare into each other's eyes; the females were full of anger as his held an air of pride and slight mirth as he was pleased with his victory.

The she-wolf struggled beneath him for a few more seconds before she relented and her body finally went lax just as she closed her green eyes tightly. "Do you yield," Sasuke asked gruffly; his grip on her tightening slightly when she said nothing after a moment of tense silence passed between them. They both knew exactly what it would mean if she did yield to him...if she gave into him completely. It would mean that she was surrendering both her mind and body to him, so that she would be his; his mate...forever. "Answer me," he growled loudly; but when she refused yet again to even acknowledge him, he let go of her wrist with one hand to grasp her by the jaw firmly. Pressing against the small bones beneath his fingers slightly caused the girl to whimpered softly beneath him. "Look at me... please," he tried against only this time using a much softer tone of voice. Her pale lids lifted slowly to reveal the bright green orbs beneath and the look she gave him nearly took his breath away; for she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, apart from his own mother of course. "Do...you... yield, female? Are you going to give in to me," he whispered across the space between them as his eyes held hers firmly with his impassioned gaze.

The young alpha-to-be watched as her small throat bob when she swallowed slowly; her pink tongue daring out to wet her dry lips as her eyes flashed with a liquid heat. He breathed in her sweet scent deeply and the smell of her growing arousal assaulting his nostrils causing his already hard body to stir further as his muscles tightened while he waited for her response with eager anticipation. "I... Sakura Haruno from the blue moon pack," she started, though her small voice was barely spoken above a whisper. "I give myself fully to you...Sasuke Uchiha, future alpha of this pack...completely." She then turned her head to the side which in turn bared her slender neck to him fully. Sasuke felt his sharp canines lengthen at the sight alone and his breath came out in harsh pants once more as he waited eagerly for her to finish the words that would finally seal her fate to his. "Please... place your mark upon my unblemished flesh, alpha Sasuke Uchiha of the blood moon pack. Mark me as yours...fully and truly... forever and always."

He leaned down slowly and pressed his thin nose against her heated skin before his lips pressed into her soft flesh gently. He then moved them to her ear to recite the final words that would make everything official; apart from the actual bite of course. "As you wish...," he hissed lowly before dragging his mouth back to her exposed throat. "So, shall it be," and with those words spoken his sharp teeth sank deeply into her neck; marking this young she-wolf as his life mate...forever.

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