Rough Rescue

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(Sasusaku au; it's doctor Sasuke Uchiha to the rescue. It's usually doctor Sakura...wanted to try some doctor Sasuke for a change.)
WEE-oww-WEE-oww... WEE-oww-WEE-oww



Blaring sirens wailed as an emergency crew quickly approached the wreckage; one that consisted of mangled metal and broken glass, but Sasuke pushed the offending sound to the back of his mind. It had become a mere background noise to the even louder sounds of his desperate and frantic heartbeat which was pounding noisily within his eardrums as his large hands, fueled by his strong arms, worked feverishly to push down onto the young woman's chest that was lying prone and motionless on the unpaved road beneath his knees; the young Uchiha was attempting to give her CPR to try and help revive her. It was extremely hard to discern her facial features clearly but even behind all of the bloody cuts and bruises that covered her delicate skin; Sasuke could still tell that she was a strikingly beautiful woman, though he tried not to focus on that fact as there was a more pressing matter to attend to. "Come on," the young man hissed harshly as he reached up to pinch the end of her small nose before he brought his thin lips down onto hers; ignoring the blood that covered them completely as he tried to breath some life back into her collapsed lungs. "Please miss...don't die on me. You can't die, not like this. Breath... damn it." His heart was racing dangerously as he placed his large hands back into their previous position before he began the lifesaving up and down motions once more.

The doctor hadn't expected to end his night like this; especially after having just worked a full 14-hour shift at the local hospital...but that was the life of a doctor he supposed. The hazy fog of sleep that he had been feeling moments ago had vanished entirely when he spotted a small four door car flip as another slammed into its side on his way home. Sasuke had felt his adrenaline kick in quickly as he slammed on his brakes... hard, before pulling to the side of the road just as the other car sped away from the scene. He had immediately cut his engine as he threw open his car door before he flew from his seat and proceeded to run towards the car that was now upside-down on its roof as quickly as he could. His pulse was running wild as he somehow found the strength to rip the door from its hinges before  pulling a young woman's limp body from the driver's seat. Sasuke carried her a safe distance away before he slowly lowered her to the ground as his body moving automatically to start the act of CPR after checking and not finding a pulse.

His gaze looked upon her bloodied face and his dark eyes grew slightly frustrated as the length of time it took for her to take a breath seemed to last forever. "Come on, damn it! Live!" One final push on her chest from his hands was all it took before the young woman's eyes shot open and she proceeded to gasping and coughing as she fought to take a decent breath after being without for so long. Her bright green eyes were frantic and when she tried to sit up a second after taking a few shaky breaths, Sasuke held her down gently with his hands placed firmly on her small shoulders; for he knew she shouldn't be moving around too much since they had no idea what kind of injuries she could have sustained from the accident. "Shh, you're alright," he tried to calm her by speaking softly and with a soothing tone. "You need to lay down right now though, you're in pretty bad shape."

"I' bad shape," her pink brows furrowed and her green irises showed her confusion as she glanced up at him from her lying position. "What do you mean...what happened to me?"

"What's the last thing you remember," he decided to ask as he ignored her question and removed his large hands from her shoulders slowly; making sure she wasn't going to try and move again as he did so.

"I... I was on my way home. My mother asked me to pick her up a few things for dinner because she was going to be staying late at work again and then; I'm...well I'm not...sure after that."

He nodded slowly. "What's your name?"

"My name...? It's...Sakura. My name is Sakura."

"Good. It's nice to meet you Sakura. You can call me Sasuke." He tried to go for a soft smile but felt it may have come out as more of a grimace based on her reaction.

"W-who...who are you? Why am I laying on the ground? I don't understand what happened to me."

"Don't worry you're going to be just fine. I'm a doctor and I had to pull you from your car. You were in a pretty bad wreck. It was a hit and run." The sound of the sirens blaring was almost deafening now as the ambulance pulled to a stop several feet away from their current position. He watched as the young woman's eyes widen with fear right before she grasped onto his shirt as tightly as she could. Sasuke did smile softly then in what he hoped was a reassuring way as he reached to grasp her small, bloodied hand within his larger one before giving it a small squeeze.

"Please...don't...leave me. I know we don't know each other but I...," her soft plea was broken and filled with her anxiety at being apart from him as she held his strong gaze, and for some reason... he didn't want to leave her; he understands the hidden meaning behind her words. He felt drawn to this strange and beautiful woman.

Sasuke squeezed her hand gently, for the second time, before responding. "Don't worry, Sakura. I'm not going anywhere." 'Because I feel the exact same way,' he thought but didn't voice this part aloud for fear of scaring her more. Looks like he wouldn't be getting any sleep after all tonight he noted as he helped the emergency crew lift Sakura into the awaiting vehicle before promising her repeatedly that he would meet her at the hospital. Sasuke was definitely intrigued by this girl; feeling as if he had met her somewhere before but he was also fairly certain that he would have remembered such a unique woman... for he had never seen anyone with pink hair and green eyes before.

'Very interesting indeed.'

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