🔞Trying Something New🔞

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                           (Sasusaku au kinky.)
His girlfriend was sitting astride his thin hips with her feminine core poised just above his throbbing length; his large hands were holding her shapely hips firmly as her small ones were pressed rigidly against his bare flesh, but what was currently grabbing his full attention was the nervous way his lover was worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as she paused above him. The plump flesh had started to change from a pale pink to a dark red and it also seemed that she was now unable to meet his heated gaze fully, which was highly unusual. Sasuke furrowed his dark brows and frowned slightly as he gazed up at her; feeling both frustrated at the sudden pause in their foreplay but also due to his own worry as to why his woman could possibly be feeling nervous; for biting at her plump lips was definitely a telling sign that something was bothering her. They had done this dance enough times before that he knew she shouldn't be feeling skittish or anxious about it...so then, what was wrong with her? He tapped his fingertips lightly against the flesh of her thighs to grab her attention and when her bright green irises shyly glanced at him, Sasuke began to voice his concerns aloud. "What's on your mind, Sakura?"

"I just...well... it's just that Ino and I were talking the other day about something and I... well, she told me about something I have actually been wanting to try with you... but I don't know if you will like it..." Her stuttered speech broke off and her gaze diverted from his once more causing his frown to deepen. 'What does she want to try that they haven't done already...'

"Hn. What is it?"

"Well, I was kind of hoping that part of it could be a surprise. Also, it will involve you being... blindfolded." Sasuke's lips pulled down even further if that was possible. He definitely wasn't one for being tied down or anything of the sort; for he was not a submissive person in general but...especially not when it came to any sort of bedroom activities that he shared in with his lover. She was always the one to be taken firmly, she was always the one to be tied up...when they engaged in such things that is, and it was always a mutual agreement between the two of them; he never did anything against her will, he was never forceful.

"I don't do blindfolds Sakura." The look of utter disappointment that pulled her face into a downwards frown at his statement caused his heart to clench painfully behind his rib cage. He always hated to see her upset...especially if it was caused by him. Sasuke watched silently as Sakura released her reddened flesh from between her teeth and when she closed her green eyes tightly, he realized that she was trying to shield the hurt that was easily present in her bright orbs. He swallows thickly as his grip on her thighs tightened slightly.  'I guess I could give it a try just this once...for her...," he found himself thinking as his lips parted to speak; but she beat him to it.

"I'm sorry. I know that you don't... I just forgot for a moment. Just forget I said anything about...," she began to babble as she tried to retrace her steps but Sasuke halted her by squeezing her thighs harshly.

"Sakura. I guess, if it's something you want to try...then we can try it...but just this once, alright."

"No, no... it's okay Sasuke..."

"Sakura." She stopped at the seductive undertone he used when he spoke her name softly; the sound of it sending warm shivers straight down the length of her spine. "It's fine. Please...do as you wish."

"...okay," Sakura spoke hesitantly before smiling softly down at her lover. She reaching over him slowly until her hand grasped the handle of their bedside table, pulling open 'that' drawer before reaching inside to pull out the familiar black blindfold with a small pattern of pink and blue flowers that was resting on top of several other items; leaving their other toys alone for the time being as she shut it back with a gentle thump. Trying to ignore the frilly design covering the dark material, Sasuke held perfectly still as Sakura smile warmly at him before she covered his dark eyes with the thin fabric. He took in a sharp breath as he felt Sakura lean over him, pressing her plump lips gently against his before she pulled away slightly. "I'll be right back." He nodded his acknowledgment instead of speaking it and only a few minutes later, after she had first left the room, did he hear her gentle foot falls as she came back to the bed before she placed something solid onto the bedside tables surface with a harsh thud. She then climbed back on top of him and gently helped him remove the remainder of his clothing which consisted of just his pants and underwear. The dark blindfold was keeping him from seeing anything specifically but he was still able to use his other senses to feel what she was doing.

Her smooth fingertips brushed down his heated skin lightly, making him shiver...

Her plump lips kissed all over his exposed flesh as she worked her way down his toned body...

Her palm wrapped itself firmly around the base of his thick member once she had finally reached it...

...and then...

"Holy shit Sakura," his head was quickly thrown back against the soft pillows and his back arched slightly as his loud cry of surprise echoed  off the thin walls of their bedroom while his large hands instinctively reached out to grasp onto her pink locks firmly; her lips wrapped themselves  tightly around his hardened cock as her tongue snaked around to stroke his tip slowly. It wasn't the unexpected act of having himself planted firmly within the depths of his lover's mouth nor was it the fact that her small hand was helping to work the part of his length that wouldn't fit fully down her throat that caused him to cry out in such a way...it was a combination of all of that plus the cold sensation that struck him harshly once he was seated inside of her; a stark contrast to the normal warmth of her throat that he was accustomed to. "What the...ahh...f-fuck...S-Sakura...agh...damn it!" His hips snapped upwards on their own when she sucked him deeper. He still couldn't see anything but...

The harsh friction...

The new sensations....

The strong pressure....

It all became too much and after a few more quick minutes he felt his balls begin to tighten, his hard body started tingling and his stomach muscles tensed as his large hands grasped her short hair tighter; holding her in one place as he rammed himself down her throat right before he shouted her name loudly upon his release; allowing his hot cum to shoot in thick, long spirts down the column of her throat. He collapsed onto the bed and quickly pulled the blindfold off, although his dark eyes still remained closed as she slowly kissed her way back up his damp skin; her cool lips causing goosebumps to break out across his heated flesh. Once Sasuke had caught his breath he opened his eyes lazily only to see Sakura staring down at him with a satisfied smirk, one that revealed just how pleased she was with herself. He growled lowly at her before swiftly flipping her onto her back, causing the pinkette to gasp out while he trapped her small frame beneath his large one; his hands reached to grasping her thin wrists before he pins them above her head. "What the hell was that Sakura,"  he hissed; his growly tone was deep as he leaned down to nip at her nose playfully when at first, she didn't respond.

She giggled softly and then wiggled beneath him teasingly; her vibrant eyes were twinkling with mirth as she gazed up at him. Sakura only responded to his question with a single word as she met his dark gaze head on. "Ice." Fuck, he thought as he leaned down to kiss her passionately. 'We may have to try that again... and also, I wonder if it would have the same effect on her if I were to...anyway, I better save that for another time.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now