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Sasuke Uchiha hates Sakura Haruno.

The feeling was mutual.

But when an argument turns into a suddenly very heated make out session... how close love & hate can actually be, becomes apparent.

(Sasusaku; enemies to lover's au snippet)


'Well, she's finally done it. She's gone completely insane. This annoying and infuriating woman has finally cracked. She must be on the borderline for personality disorder or something similar. She really needs to be put in a mental hospital...'

"... and another thing, Uchiha," she yelled angrily; her thin, boney fingers jutting out to poke at the young man's muscular chest. "I've told you many times before... repeatedly actually... that we have nothing—"

'Doesn't she ever just shut up? She's so loud and annoying. And why am I finding this side of her to be so... attractive. She's kind of cute; when she's angry that is. Wait... what!?!'

Sasuke's temper was rising the longer she yelled at him and he couldn't even figure out the reason as to why Sakura had approached him in the first place. He observed her with a soured expression; not able to appear indifferent as he wished he could.

Her face was turning a deep hue of red...

...her naturally pink hair laying in soft curls down her back...

... her small figure was looking extra curvy in her school uniform...

... and her plump, pink lips—

'They look so... so soft. I wonder what they taste like? I wonder if they are as soft as they appear to be... Should I—'

When Sakura Haruno paused... (long enough to take a deep, steady breath) readying herself to sling more infuriating insults at the Uchiha... he did the only thing that he could think of to get her to finally cease with her annoying tirade.

Grabbing the pink-haired teen roughly and tightly by the shoulders, while ignoring her startled gasp of surprise...

... Sasuke pulled Sakura close to him...

... and he kissed her.

Both of them just stood there at first (completely shell shocked by the unexpected act) with eyes wide open and mouths slightly parted. Until—

Sakura's eyes fluttered shut as she grasped onto the collar of his shirt firmly, before pulling Sasuke Uchiha against her so that her petite breast were pressed flat against his muscular chest and after a beat Sasuke began to reciprocate.

Wet tongues tangled...

... both strong and thin arms wrapped around the other person...

... and hands pulled and tugged at whatever they could grab onto—

"Oof...," the young man grunted lowly when he felt his back collide with something solid. Sasuke hadn't even realized that he was being pushed backwards until the moment he hit the brick wall. He could feel his lower regions begin to stir at the wayward thoughts that were running through his mind and wrapped his arms around Sakura more firmly; one snaking its way around her thin waist while the other moved to press against her upper back; his large hand tangling in her smooth, silky, shoulder-length hair. He felt her panting into his opened mouth and could have sworn he heard a soft, feminine moan, but wasn't entirely sure as the wet sounds of their sloppy kisses seemed to be blocking out everything else.

"S-Sakura...," her name was whispered between them and he felt her press closer to him; eager for what that one, softly spoken, word promised.

How could he be doing this with a woman whom seemed to bring out only the worst in him...

.... a woman who drove him absolutely crazy...

... a woman who was so headstrong that it could almost put his own stubbornness to shame...

... a beautiful, intelligent woman who—

"Sasuke," the pinkette breathed out as she pulled away from his embrace slightly; his strong hold preventing her from leaving his personal space entirely. She gazed up as he gazed down; green locking onto black. "What... what are we doing?"


But he couldn't hardly think, let alone speak. His mind was racing and he had no way of stopping it.

'Why are we doing this again? Why did I kiss her and why did she kiss me back? What does all of this even mean? Do I really... actually... secretly... like her? But, that's just crazy thinking, right? She drives me to the brink of insanity! Sakura has a type of... borderline personality disorder... right?'

"Sakura." Somehow, Sasuke's voice was calm as he finally released her and watched (with some level of disappointment) as Sakura took several, big steps back, while tucking loose strands of her pink hair behind her ears before meeting his jet-black irises; giving him a nervous looking smile. Sasuke licked his dry lips before continuing. "I... I think we need to talk about—"

"It's okay," she said while waving her small hands in the air between them; her chest still heaving slightly while she tried to gather herself. "We can just pretend like this never happened if you want to. I understand that you probably don't want to acknowledge what just happened between us. I guess I will just go..."

But as she turned and started to walk away, he began to panic. His hand flew out to grasp onto her smaller wrist; halting her forward momentum and she turned to give him a curious look.

He licked his lips; again...

... before taking a deep, deep breath...

... and then—

"What if I don't want to, Sakura? What if I don't want to forget about it? And... what if I want it to happen again?"

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now