Late Night & Arigatō

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Her fingers moved swiftly over the fabric, moving the cloth this way and that in order to accommodate the needle and thread, unaware of a pair of mismatched eyes watching her every move. Her soft humming as she worked was the only sound to be heard. When she was finished, she smiled to herself and held the shirt in front of her to admire her work, glad her mother taught her this valuable skill; it had come in handy over the last few months of traveling with the young man who was currently sitting across from her on the other side of the roaring fire. The night sky was partially blocked from view due to the smoke billowing up from the warm flames but Sakura could still see the gentle dusting of stars and the outline of a full moon above them if she looked hard enough.

Her eyes moved to the stoic male for a brief moment and she smiled warmly at him before looking back at her work. "There, I think I fixed all of them, Sasuke-Kun. You need to be more careful though." A soft grunt was his only reply, which she had come to expect from the lone Uchiha. She quietly placed her things back into her bag before folding the shirt but before she could finish, she felt a hand grasp her wrist. Her eyes widened when she looked up to see the dark-haired shinobi crouched before that was unexpected. She hadn't even seen him move.

He watched her for a moment, his body shadowed by the bright light of the flames behind him so she couldn't see his expression all that well but his eyes stood out to her and the sincere warmth she felt from them when she saw them soften slightly had her melting into a pile of goo. When she felt his hand leave her wrist and move to cup her cheek, she felt her heart beat rapidly against her ribcage. He slowly tilted his head down to hers as he simultaneously pulled her face up to his own and she felt like she would combust at any moment.

"Sakura," his voice was soft and gentle, sending warm tingles all over her body and she watched as his eyes closed slowly before she felt his lips brush her own. He pulled away almost as quickly as he had kissed her, grabbing the half-folded shirt in his hand before rising to his feet. But before he moved away completely, he glanced at her once more; too stunned to move or speak she just watched him as a soft blush rose to her cheeks at the intensity behind his dark eyes. "Arigatō," he whispered slowly before returning to his seat across from her, leaving her gasping for air from their brief exchange; the knowing smirk hidden from her view by his hand.

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