Silent Treatment

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Sakura & Sasuke has their first ever argument.

A blank-period snippet.


Sakura watched on as Sasuke placed a soothing hand upon a young woman's shoulder; the touch way to familiar looking (in her eyes that is) to be considered innocent.

With eyes now ablaze, the pinkette turned away; lips pulling into an angry frown. Seconds later, he was by her side. She couldn't look at him, and so when he asked her if she was ready to leave, she simply nodded her head in the affirmative before walking away; ignoring Sasuke completely when he called after her softly, with a level of growing concern. It was unlike her to ignore him in this manner.

An hour later and Sakura was still giving Sasuke the silent treatment; ignoring all of the Uchiha's attempts at conversation, and even going so far as to speed up when he attempted to touch her arm gently with his fingertips to try and grab her attention.

Sasuke, was rightfully confused.

When the second hour had passed in continual silence (on her part anyway), the dark-haired nin was fed up. Quickly, he used his rinnegan to flash beside her, before swiftly pinning her to a nearby tree with his body weight. His eyes searching for hers, but the young woman refused to meet his intense gaze. The Uchiha huffed in annoyance; pressing his lower half against her to keep her in place while his large hand moved to rest beside her shoulder. "Hey. What's wrong?"



More silence.


Again, nothing.


"Nothing's wrong... alright," the pinkette spit out angrily, between clenched teeth. The sounds of teeth grinding together reached his ears; sending cold shivers down his spine. He hated the noise. As time passed slowly, Sasuke grew tired of her refusal to look him in the eyes, so he reached out to grasp her firmly by the chin before pulling her gently (but steadily) to face him. Then, when he was finally able to get a good look at her, he was somewhat shocked by the level of hurt that was evident in her expression.

'What's happened? What did I do to cause this?'

"You know, you're not a very good liar, Sakura."

She laughed, though the sound was dry and void of any type of emotion; her face contorting into one of anger as she crossed her small arms over her chest. "I'm not the one whose been lying... Sasuke." He frowned at the lack of familiarity and affection in which she normally used to speak his name.

"When did I lie to you," he asked curiously.

"I guess that you've been lying this whole time, haven't you? Pretending to try and woo me, while keeping other women around on the side. That's really sick you know."

The young man was utterly and truly confused by his partner's accusations. "What are you talking about? Other women? I don't understand. Where is this coming from?"

Sakura rolled her green orbs. "That woman that we saw in the market. You know, brown hair and brown eyes? Ringing any bells for you, Sasuke?" The Uchiha contemplated her words for only a second, before it hit him.

He knew exactly to whom she was referring and he was starting to understand where her anger was coming from now. 'Sakura is... jealous,' he thought.

"You mean Mei?"

"You don't have to tell me her name you know...," she growled in annoyance. "Why don't you just go back to her, Sasuke? I'm sure that the two of you will have plenty to catch up on... or you can find something to do in my absence." As Sakura rambled on and on, Sasuke couldn't help but feel slightly relieved at the misunderstanding. That is, until the woman that he loved so dearly decided to try and get away from him. He held her more firmly against the tree, before forcing her to look him in the eyes once more. The man interrupted her protesting by deciding to speak the truth... his truth.

"There is nothing going on between me and that woman, Sakura," he insisted earnestly; but she wasn't having it.

"You expect me to believe that pile of garbage? You two were pretty cozy looking earlier... when you were—"

"She's just an acquaintance."

Sakura looked at him skeptically. "Seriously... I just don't believe that—"

"I helped her father with his pig farm when I was traveling a few months back; and several other times since then. Mei and her husband gave me a place to eat and sleep while I was helping her father. She's expecting their first child, which is why I was so concerned when I saw her bent over like that and in pain. I just wanted to help her; if she needed it that is. That's all, I swear."

Sakura was left completely speechless and a little bit embarrassed by the whole situation.

Tick, tick, tick.

Time passed between them as her brain began to process and then comprehend his words; eyes widening as her plump lips formed a surprised O. Sasuke Uchiha would have smirked, if the issue wasn't so serious. Even still, he wished that he could run his rough fingertips across her pink lips to feel their soft fatness beneath his calloused digits. The dark-haired shinobi somehow resisted and remain completely stationary, until Sakura was finally ready to speak.

"I'm... I... sorry, Sasuke-kun. I thought that you... you and her were... involved."


"It just seemed so... like you were so familiar and I guess I was...," she trailed off; biting her bottom lip contemplatively.


"W-what!?!" The young woman's cheeks blazed brighter than her hair; hands coming up to wave swiftly between them. "I wasn't... I mean... it was just that... I... well I..."

"You know," he whispered; interrupting Sakura's jumbled speech. His fingertips did brush against her then, but across the side of her cheek before resting behind her head; his forehead connecting with her slowly while he closed his mismatched irises. The Uchiha relished their closeness (their strong bond) and couldn't help but feel the need to tease her; just a little bit. "Jealousy is a good color on you, Sakura."


In a rare show of emotional vulnerability, Sasuke decided it was time to let his companion know his true intentions (his true feelings) when it came to her. She had a right to know after all; especially since she's been so upfront with her own feelings towards him... for all of these years.

Almost to quickly for the pinkette to comprehend, the young man had leaned down (bending at the spine) towards her and planted his thin, chapped lips lightly against her much softer ones... before quickly pulling away. Their first "kiss" causing his own cheeks to deepen in color, but he ignored it; along with Sakura's stunned expression. His eyes held her firmly while he spoke his next truth with open honestly.

"It will only ever be you, Sakura. You're it for me. There will be no other woman that I will want to be by my side... for the rest of my life and until my last dying breath."

Even though he didn't speak those three words, it was as much of a confession as he could give at the moment; and she was okay with that. Sakura understood him and what Sasuke was trying to convey to her in that moment.

'He loves me... he really does.'

With fat, wet tears brimming in the edges of her viridescent eyes, Sakura grasped him firmly by the chin with both of her hands, before bringing him down for an impassioned and loving kiss; making their second kiss the most memorable one yet.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now