Soft Papa

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Her small steps were unsteady on little legs and her chubby arms were swung out to her sides as she tried to keep her balance, approaching her Papa slowly. Sasuke watched her closely, his muscles tense...ready to strike if he saw any sign that she would fall. His eyes shifted to watch her face, a small smirk appeared when he saw her tiny brows knit together as she concentrated and her tongue stuck out of the side of her mouth as she focused on her feet.

She nearly tumbled backwards but regained her balance quickly, looking up at her Papa with a determined gaze. It startled him at the intensity he saw in their depths but then his own eyes softened and he smiled softly to encourage her to continue. When she was a few feet from him he grasped onto her and lifted her into his arm, swinging her once and the giggle she let out was like music to his ears. He was grinning genuinely at her now and he saw a similar smile appear on her face. Her smile reminded him of Sakura's and his heart warmed at that. She may look like him with her dark hair and onyx colored eyes but her warm disposition and determination was so much like her mother. Sarada wrapped her chubby arms around her father's neck as tightly as she could and rested her head on his shoulder.

He tightened his grip on her so there wouldn't be any chance of dropping her and leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the top of her head. He bounced her gently as he began humming a tune, he remembered his mother singing to him when he was a little boy, missing his wife watching them from the doorway a gentle smile on her face and a camera in hand.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now