Morning Light

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(Sasusaku au; morning after wedding)

I kind of want to use this in a story.... along with some of my other snippets but I don't have the motivation to start one just yet. But maybe someday I will! Also, sorry it's taken me so long to post a new snippet! I've been working on some one-shots and chapters for my short story 'Seven Days' plus I have a request that I've been trying to get done as well! I wasn't going to post today because I woke up feeling horrible but after some more rest I feel well enough to share this one with you! I hope you like it.


Sakura awakens to find the side of the bed that's supposed to house her partner empty; though the bed sheets are still slightly warm to the tough, meaning he hadn't gotten up to long ago.

The morning light was streaming in from the big picture window to her right and she felt her body heat as her mind wandered to the previous night; their wedding night. Sakura blushed deeply and shook away her inappropriate thoughts; for the time being that is.

Their honeymoon had just begun and the newest Uchiha couldn't be happier. She stretched lazily against the silky sheets as the last remnants of sleep left her system.

Suddenly, the attached bathrooms door opened (startling her) and from the large wall of steam that billowed from its entrance, emerged her new husband, wearing nothing but one of the hotel's robes. The tie was loosely hanging around his waist as if done hastily and the top of the plush fabric was opened to reveal his creamy skin beneath; Sasuke's muscles visibly moving as he entered the bedroom with a lazy gate.

Sakura's bright green eyes watched him hungrily as a few drops of water ran down the full length of his chisel jawline, then down the corded flesh of his neck before creating a path directly down his upper chest where it then disappeared into the V where his robe came together at the tie; just above his belly button.

Her gaze then shifted upwards and she watched as her husband rubbed his dark locks slowly with a small hand towel; a wide smirk on his lips as he eyed her closely. She had been caught ogling her lover and blushed deeply while pulling the covers up to her chin; shielding her naked form from his dark, lustful irises.

"Morning, Mrs. Uchiha." Sasuke's voice was still husky due to the early hour, but also because of something much more... intoxicating. Sakura felt her body heat further; though it had nothing to do with the morning light and everything to do with the way it streamed across her husband's handsome profile.

"Good morning... Anata." It was the first time she had used the word of endearment and she rather liked how it flowed off her tongue so easily. She watched on silently as Sasuke moved towards her; his gate wide, but his pace slow. When he reached her side however, the male paused for a second before lowering his upper half down so that he was now leaning over his prone wife.

The morning light was shining brightly behind his form; giving the Uchiha's body a small sort of halo that surrounded him entirely. Sakura smiled, almost shyly, up at her lover as he too gives her a gentle smile of his own; one that was born from Sasuke's love for her and she was the only one privileged enough to ever see it. Sasuke's head began to tilt as he hovered; his thin lips brushing against hers gently as he placed one hand by the side of her head. His thick bangs fell forward as he leaned and brushed her heated skin with their cooled dampness; causing her to shiver slightly. Sakura moaned softly against his mouth as he brushed the tip of his tongue against her plump flesh.

Tongues danced between the two lovers in a soft tango for several long minutes before the male, reluctantly, pulled slightly away from his female.

Fingers tugged at his robe as her hands grasped the opened sides of it; holding him to her. Sasuke chucked softly before pulling away from her further so that he was now just a few inches away from her face. "Get up now, Sakura. We have stuff to do today and I don't want to be late."

"Or... we could just stay in bed all day." Sakura bites at the flesh of her bottom lip with her teeth as she playfully batted her eyelashes at Sasuke. His smile grew slightly wider as he brought his rough fingertips up to brush against her temple softly; pushing a few loose hairs behind his wife's ear so that it was now off of her face.

"As much fun as that sounds Sakura... have you forgotten that we combined our honeymoon with a family vacation?" He raised a brow at her and waited for a response.


"Meaning Tsuma," his wife blushed deeply at the word, "that sooner or later we will have company come knocking if we don't get a move on and I don't know about you but I would rather them not catch us in such a.... compromising position."

"But I just want to...," Sakura was pouting deeply as her husband poked her forehead with two of his fingers, effectively silencing her protest. His smile turned downright wicked as his lips form a wide smirk and she watched as his eyes seemed to darken further (if that was even possible).

"We have plenty of time for that... later."

Reluctantly, Sakura complied and soon the two of them were headed out to meet his family for an early morning breakfast; though Sakura had a hard time concentrating for she was still eagerly anticipating what they would do later; once they were finally alone.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now