Venom 🔞

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The viper's venom was spreading and there was only one thing he could think of to do to save his beloved human.

A sasusaku smut(ish) AU.


The fever was starting to take hold, her body heating from the inside out, slowly being consumed by a raging inferno that threatened to cause simultaneous combustion if left to fester for much longer.

"SASUKE...," the young woman screamed outright, before a deep, feral growl escaped her lips; her head was thrown back against the pillows while her neck strained as sweat began to pool, pour, and drip from her forehead, neck, and collarbone. The female's sharp nails dug into her own wrist restraints and she tossed her head back and forth furiously while closing her viridescent eyes tightly, groaning as the pain continued to worsen, as seconds seemed to turn into minutes.

'Where is he? Why isn't he here with m—'

A loud crashing sound could be heard from the other room before slight shuffling and muffled, angry grumbling could be heard thereafter; followed by the door to her chambers being thrown open roughly by a tall, rather muscular, and very powerful man. The vampire's nostrils flared wildly as he scanned the room swiftly for any immediate signs of danger, before they landed on the prone figure before him.

He reached her in seconds and placed a gentle, cool hand upon her cheek while inspecting her condition. The woman groaned painfully and groggily... turning slightly to nuzzle against his opened palm; his name being whispered from her parched throat as it slipped from her swollen tongue unconsciously in her delirious state. His eyes darkened at the sight of her.

"Why didn't you inform me of this sooner?"

"Sir, we tried but we couldn't reach you. It wasn't easy—"

"What happened...," he asked, tired of their excuses and wishing to simply move forward in order to save his lovely human's life. Sasuke wouldn't let her die if he could help it. That was not his intention; it had never been his intention.

The young maid looked nervously at the floor and shifted on her feet. "A viper, sir. In the gardens. Mrs. Haruno was going out for her afternoon walk when it... happened."

"Did you bring the supplies?"

The young brunette nodded swiftly and bowed her head; avoiding the deep, red eyes of her master. "Of course, sir. It's on the table there," her finger pointed to his left and he eyed the table to make sure he would have everything he needed. When he was sure he did, he dismissed her.

"Fine, leave us."

She fled the room and closed the door softly behind her, leaving the young lovers to their fate. Sasuke scanned her with his visual prowess and soon discovered that the initial impact, or bite had occurred on Sakura's—

"S-Sasuke... i-it burns."

He swallowed, slowly. His gaze met her unfocused one.

"Sakura... I'm going to have to suck the venom out. It has penetrated too far into your bloodstream. That means... I need to... I have to..."

"Please, anything to take the pain away. Sasuke... please, h-help me."

He would do anything... for her.

Sasuke bent to kiss her forehead before brushing away the damp strands of pink stuck there. He whispered softly into her ear before dragging himself to the end of her bed. Once he had settled into place, he shifted her shorts down her thighs; a small huff leaving his throat at the sight of her now visible wound.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now