🔞 Possessive Charasuke 🔞

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Sasuke is angry at Sakura for "flirting" with another man, even though he has no right to be because, well they just aren't together... yet.

Possessive Charasuke & Sakura. AU smut. Fuckbuddies.


It was during the time when the hospital had "unofficially" closed its doors for the night, when the insistent occurred.

A young man walked away from a couple in an angry huff, now sporting a black eye that hadn't been there previously whilst the pink-haired teen watched him leave in complete silence, (brooding) until he was out of sight before turning her heated gaze to the tall and muscular figure beside her.

Sasuke's swollen and bloodied hands were still balled into tight fists at his sides while his calculated gaze blazed an iridescent shade of red as he continued to stare after the other man's disappearing figure.

Sakura was furious with her teammate and her plump, red stained lips twisted into an angry pout as she glared up at him in defiance. "Sasuke," she said with a huff. "You don't own me. I can fucking talk to whoever I want and I can do whatever the hell I want. So back off!" She tried her best to shove him backwards, away from her, but Sasuke wouldn't allow it. He was a fucking wall; completely unmovable. He turned his glare onto her then.

"No, you can't...," he growled while shoving her against the outside of the hospital; one hand quickly securing her wrist above her head while he used the other one to press firmly against her womanhood. "I saw how he looked at you, how you were flirting with him. This (the Uchiha emphasized his word with a harsh squeeze) belongs to me and me alone. I will carve my name into it if I have to, kitten. Spill my seed into you every damn second, so they can smell me on you. I will mark your precious skin every damn day... hell every fucking hour if I need to do so. I don't want anyone else to touch what's mine, kitten... and you, most certainly are all mine."

Sakura licked her lips slowly, her pulse pounding while her eyes grew dark. She couldn't stop her body from quivering in his grasp; her desire sparked at his dominance over her. "Why don't you show me then, Sasuke-kun... what you will do to me if I don't listen. If you think you can, that is."

His eyes flashed dangerously before his lips crashed onto hers; his left hand making quick work of her short and skirt combo while he bent down to lift her. His thin lips moved to attack her throat while her legs wrapped firmly around his hips, holding her to him as he moved their clothing aside to plunge into her awaiting heat. Sakura gasped loudly as he gave her very little time to adjust to his girth, before he was pounding her into the bricks behind her back; and his name slipped past her swollen lips, eliciting a rather harsh thrust from her lover.

"That's it, my kitten. Scream my name! Let them know that I am the one bringing you this pleasure. I'm the only one capable of bringing you such euphoria. Let them know that this body of yours belongs to me, and me alone."

Sakura moaned and wrapped her fingers in his inky locks as her hips undulated against him, her back arching off of the wall slightly to press her body against his more firmly. At that moment, Sakura didn't care that they were in a very public setting; she didn't care about much else, apart from the unimaginable pleasure that Sasuke was giving her.

After making sure that his marks were visible on her neck, Sasuke moved to her collarbone; then her shoulders and the crest of her breast (that was just visible from the top of her shirt) before moving back to her well-kissed lips.

His tongue slipped past them and delved into her mouth, drowning her moans as he tasted every inch of her that he possibly could. When he pulled away for a breath, a small line of spit kept them connected and a smirk lifted his lips at the sight of her.

Sakura Haruno was a whimpering mess, because of him. Her clothing and appearance were disheveled, because of him. And she was coming undone... because of him.

"Kitten, look at me will you. I want to see your eyes when you come around my cock." Sakura complied, though her gaze was heavy, and when he reached between them to brush a finger teasingly against her clit, she couldn't take it anymore. The damn within burst and her eyes went wide on a silent scream as her walls clamping around him and squeezed.

Sasuke ground his teeth together tightly and cursed while he continued to thrust into her, prolonging the kunoichi's orgasm for as long as he possibly could.

When she seemed to finally be coming down from her high Sasuke pulled out of her quickly and then dropped her to the ground before turning her so that her back was now to his front. Once again, he thrust forward, impaling her on his length as a loud gasp escaped her lips. "S-Sasuke, I'm... Ahh... s-stop... t-to sensitive!"

"You can handle more, kitten. I'm not finished with you just yet. Besides, I don't think the people at the front gates can hear you."


His smirk was broad as he shoved her upper body down with his hand on her back; bending her at the waist so that Sakura had to prop herself up by her palms resting against the rough bricks. A loud moan escaped her. "That's it," the Uchiha teased while he resumed his previous actions. "Let them know who's doing this to you, Sa-ku-ra. Let them all know that you belong to me."

When he was finished, he carried her satisfied form to her home, on the outskirts of town; almost certain that even the folks in Suna would now know that Sakura was his.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now