Glitter & Gold

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Sakura Uchiha was beauty in its most innocent & precious form. Sasuke Uchiha, well he didn't feel worthy of such elegance. He didn't feel worthy of such light. But she knew better.

Sasusaku au snippet. God Sasuke and Goddess Sakura.


She was stunning.

Beauty in its purest form.

The sight of her caused his mouth to run dry and his heart to pound erratically behind his ribcage.

All that he could think to do was stare at her; in complete and utter awe at the sight before him.

The first thing to catch his obsidian-colored orbs was her hair. The soft and delicate strands hung loosely against her back and shoulders; the petal pink color standing out amongst her kin. It was something that was completely unique and unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Further down from her hairline, but directly in the center of her forehead, rested a small diamond- shaped symbol of sorts. One which indicated the woman's prowess as a highly sought-after healer. The color of which was a purplish hue, that stood out against her pale, unblemished flesh.

The next thing that caught his attention was her vibrant irises. They were the color of emeralds... that shined just as brightly as the gem itself, but especially when the female was either joyful or excited about something.

They were always expressive; always beautiful to see. His dark eyes traveled lower.

Down past the sharp angles of her nose...

... past her plump, bright-red lips...

... past the exquisite expanse of her throat... until they found the source of his growing anxiety. The intricate piece of jewelry that rested against her bare chest was flashing its brilliance from clear across the room; easily allowing anyone in close proximity to bear witness to the fact that she now belongs to him; to his clan.

He had to admit that it went with her flimsy dress beautifully. The white fabric clung to every curve of her body, accentuating Sakura's beauty even more. The gold trimmings sparkled in the evening light; giving off an angelic feel to the entire piece.

Sasuke swallowed as he stepped forward, before lowering to one knee; bowing his head towards her in a show of complete reverence.

"Milady... I do not deserve someone as exquisite as you; nor do I deserve your love and kindness. However, I do hope to prove to you, Sakura, that over time... I might someday be worthy of them both. Please, forgive me for being so hasty and rash with our coupling. I should have courted you better first."

The god hoped that she could sense the sincerity behind his apology. He was rewarded when the goddess came forward before grasping his chin gently between her tiny hands; lifting his lowered head so that he could meet her sharpened gaze.

"You have no reason to ask for my forgiveness, young lord. I do understand what your intentions were and I accept the way that things are. It is as it should be. I am yours and you are mine. That's all there is to it."

Sakura's kind and loving smile helped to ease his anxiety slightly, and he rose to his feet in order to pull her in for a tender, and relieved, embrace.

His forehead came to rest against her shoulder, while he breathed in her fragrant scent. Taking a few moments to register what had just happened before pulling away to place a sloppy kiss to her cheek. "I don't deserve you," he whispered softly; leaning back so that he could meet her gaze.

She chuckled lightly and reached up with a single hand to tuck a stray hair behind his ear. "You do. You just don't realize it yet, Anata. But you will. In due time."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now