😉 Early Morning Surprise 😉

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Sasuke grunted as the small appendage pressed into his side again, his eyes tightly shut as he turned away from the warm body beside him. "Five more minutes Sakura," he groaned when he felt the pressure again. "You kept me up late last night...or have you already forgotten." A small smirk of satisfaction and masculine pride grew on his face as the memories of the previous night's activities flashed before his closed eyes.

Sakura panting beneath him, her naked body glistening with a small layer of sweat, her pink locks strewn across the white pillows, her small hands wrapped around his shoulders as her sharp nails dug deeply into the soft flesh of his back...her sweet moans still filled his ears, even now, as she called his name over and over in ecstasy; the memory was vivid and forever imprinted upon his mind thanks to the power of his eyes.

He growled lowly this time when he felt a lone finger press firmly into the middle of his spine, pushing into the hard bone beneath. "Seriously Sakura, I'm tired. Let me rest a little longer." He felt the warmth of her body move closer, her hot breath fanning against the back of his neck and waited patiently for her soft lips to press against his skin, like she had done multiple times before whenever she wanted his attention. They never did. Instead his eyes shot open as the familiar voice of their loud-mouthed teammate filled his eardrums.

"Good morning, Sasuke-Kun. Did you sleep well?" Sasuke turned over abruptly only to be met with the face of his best friend. The blonde's smug expression did nothing to ease his temper at being met with his presence so early in the morning. Sasuke fumed with irritation and could practically feel steam coming from his own ears. He's body reacted before his brain did and his fist drew back before slamming home against Naruto's cheek sending the young shinobi flying into the wall behind him causing a large thud and small dent to form where he landed. Naruto groaned and rubbed his back as he stood up slowly. "Was that really necessary, Teme," he groaned, slight irritation forming across his whiskered face.

"Shut up, Baka. You're the one who decided to sneak into my bedroom so early in the morning. Im surprised you're even up this early to be honest but I still blame you entirely." Sasuke sat up slowly, stretching his tired limbs before he swiftly stood from the bed letting the thin sheet fall away from his naked body to pool at his feet. He heard Naruto gasp sharply and his head turning to see the blonde covering his blue eyes with his hand.

"Seriously Sasuke. What the hell? Why are you naked!?!" Sasuke smirked as he made his way casually to the attached bathroom, completely uncaring that he was bare in front of the blonde.

"Hn. I think you know the answer to that and if not well, if you think hard enough it will come to you....eventually," he said with a small wink before closing the door behind him. Naruto's loud cursing could be heard from the other side and Sasuke couldn't help the small chuckle from escaping as he turned on the water before stepping into the warm spray. As last nights activities slowly began to clear away from his body due to the warm water cascading over his tall form Sasuke thought that he would have to have a conversation with Sakura about having the locks on their home changed to keep unwanted and unexpected guest from visiting as they pleased.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now