🐉Rescuing the Dragon: Part 1 🐉

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(Sasusaku au snippet. Just because I wanted to write something a little different and this was the first thing that popped into my head this morning! Plus...I do like me some supernatural Sasusaku au.)
After sneaking into the dark shadows of the huge barn-like building, Sakura took a moment to catch her breath before she began making her way cautiously towards the large dark blob that was currently crouched on the dirt floor directly in the middle of the structure. Her breath hitched in the back of her throat as she approached the large and imposing beast, though not from fear but from excitement as she felt his hot gaze following her every move; guardedly analyzing her as she carefully approached him.

Her bright, expressive eyes darted to the large and heavy metal shackles that were attached to the creatures thick, scaly legs for a brief moment before she had to look away; the sight of it made her insides twist uncomfortably and she felt slightly ill knowing that this is how he was being kept. But even so, she tried to fight off the feeling the best she could for she had a task that needed to be completed...and quickly. She came here with a purpose after all and she intended to accomplish it...no matter what. When she was close enough (to close for comfort for most) she came to a stop and lifted a slightly shaky hand out towards him; in a silent offering of camaraderie. Sakura waited patiently for him to make the next move.

Their eyes locked for several moments as they adopted a silent understanding between the two; man, and beast coming to an agreement after a completely silent conversation passed between them. Her vibrant green irises clashed with his deep red ones; the black designs that were  imbedded within his family's signature orbs seemed to stare directly into her very soul; making Sakura feel slightly uneasy at their intensity. But she didn't waver in her resolve; she didn't move...because she knew with certainty that he needed her as much as she needed him.

'It was their destiny; written from their very birth.'

After a long pause, the huge black beast lowered his large muzzle and placed his rough snout against her open palm; accepting her silent plea with one of his own. She moved her small hand slowly and began to rub the rough, scaly skin on the side of his neck affectionately; their eyes still remained locked as she did so. "I can't do this without you." Her whispered confession reached his large ears easily and he snorted out a dark puff of smoke in response to her statement; the scent of fire assaulted her nose almost immediately, though it wasn't unpleasant to her senses in the least. In fact, she actually found it quite...enjoyable; though she wasn't sure if that was the proper word to describe her feelings in that moment.

"I need you...Sasuke. Will you help me?" He seemed somewhat surprised that she, 'a lowly peasant girl', knew his name; after all most humans feared to even speak of him, considering what and who he was (and... what clan he belonged to). "Don't be so surprise," she chuckled softly; the sound easing his suddenly tense muscles. He loved the sound of her sweet voice; he loved her beautiful smile and warm personality...although he would never admit to those things aloud...not to her anyway...not yet. "There is more to me than appears to the naked eye. You only have to look closely. But... that is for a later discussion. Right now, we have more pressing matters. Like getting you the hell out of here."

She then proceeded to pull a large, metal key from somewhere behind her back and after receiving a small nod from the dragon she began working to free him from his heavy chains. As soon as the last link dropped from his slightly sore legs the huge beast stood to his full height; stretching each limb out respectively before expanding his wings as far as they could reach. He then gazed down at the young woman; an unknown feeling growing in the pit of his stomach as she smiled victoriously up at him. After a few moments in which he loosened his previously cramped muscles, he lowered himself back down into a crouched position and placed his large head on the ground beside her small frame. 'She's tiny, even for a human,' he thought as he relaxed his body the rest of the way until he was completely settled on the dirt floor; a soft sigh that escaping his lungs cause the dirt surround his muzzle to tumble across the ground.

Taking his silent cue as approval; the pinkette quickly scrambled onto his neck before settling her small frame in-between his large shoulders where his wings began to protrude from his back. He made sure he felt her grip on him tighten before he decided to finally take flight. Swiftly breaking through the flimsy material of the barn's roof, he  took off into the night time sky; blending into its dark expanse and slipping from sight easily as his black scales matched its dark palette. His heart felt light when he heard the gleefully giggles coming from the woman on his back as they moved further and further away from the now crumbling structure. It must be her first-time riding on the back of a dragon, he thought as he continued; mindful not to let her fall as he advanced forward. He swooped in and out of the low hanging branches of large trees before rising above them to glide almost lazily within the shelter of the thick clouds. He glanced back and felt his dark gaze soften at the sight that met him. His pink-haired female was sitting completely upright with her thin arms stretched outwards from her sides; the peaceful, calm expression on her face showed her pleasure as did her plump lips that were pulled up into a wide grin. Sasuke's gaze returned forward as he set his mind on their destination; his pace easing slightly so she could enjoy herself for a little while longer.

'Everything would be alright,' he thought. 'As long as he always had her by his side.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now