The Bite

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Sakura feels the need to save her human lover; at any cost. A vampire Sakura & soldier Sasuke au snippet.


She was trying to reach him; before it was too late.

'Hang on. Just hang on, please. I'm almost there. Just a little further and I'll be—'


'N-no... Sasuke...'

Sakura collapsed onto her clothed knees beside him; his blood pooling on the outer fringes of her ankle-length dress before being soaked into the thick fabric, like a sponge soaking up water...

... while two bullet holes were visible in his chest. Sasuke's onyx-colored eyes already appeared to be almost completely lifeless as Sakura peered down at him sorrowfully.

Slowly, Sakura lifted his upper half onto her lap, so that the young man's back could rest against her thighs; ignoring the blood soaking deeply into the expensive material between them.

Her thin and delicate fingers trembled when she brushed her fingertips lightly against her lover's cheek; her gentle caress bringing a pained smile to his lips... breaking the woman's undead heart all the more... and she looked on helplessly as a narrow trail of blood slipped past his lips to race down the curve of his jawline.

Her green eyes flashed (for only a split second) at the sight, but she ignored her growing hunger because now was most certainly not the time or place to be having those types of thoughts.

This was life or death, and death was currently winning; much to the vampire's displeasure and heartache.

"S-Sasuke...," Sakura whispered softly; her voice shattering as she pulled him tightly into her warm embrace while the two stared deeply into each other's eyes; a single, hot tear running down the bridge of her nose to land on his cooling cheek. "I don't... I c-can't lose you. So please, just say the word and I can make this go away. I... I can ease y-your pain and we can be together; forever. But only if you wish for it. Y-you have to be the one to say it. Otherwise..."

Sasuke brought his hand up to touch her bottom lip affectionately, though it was very weak in its execution, and managed to smear a small trail of blood over the plump flesh; which she ignored. The pinkette waited (with baited breath) for him to speak; not wanting to lose him, but unwilling to go against his wishes and the laws of her kind. He had to be willing and she loved him too much to—

"Y-ye-s...," Sasuke weakly croaked before tilted his head to one side, (with a great amount of effort) to allow the woman to have full access to the curved junction that was just between his shoulder and neck. Her eyes flashed from a bright green to a dull red as her fangs extended.

'Soon my love.... we will be together....


Her sharp teeth sank deep into his flesh; bringing them into their forever as his heart slowed before finally coming to a complete stop.

Sakura had done it.

She had finally changed him; and when his eyes snapped open just seconds later, it wasn't black that met her gaze... it was a deep shade of red.

The love that he held for her was undiminished in the change and he wrapped his hand around the back of her neck before bringing her down for a very heated kiss.

Both a thank you and a promise; all in one. Their forever starts now and they couldn't be happier.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now