🔞The King's Lovely Maiden 🔞

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(Sasusaku; Middle Ages au?)


The woman lying in his king-sized bed stretched lazily; allowing for his dark eyes to follow every sweet and silky contour of her bare, naked body with a renewed hunger. The young King licked his dry, thin lips; eagerly anticipating what was to come and desperately wanting to get back to his delectable little lover; though he would never openly admit to this fact aloud... not even to her.

"You're quit the distraction aren't you... my little maiden."

The lazy, easygoing grin that pulled at her plump lips caused his heart to palpitate wildly in his chest. He had never felt like this before... never been interested in the opposite sex for anything other than sexual pleasure; that is, until he met her. She had changed him; though Sasuke still wasn't quite sure how or why he allowed for it to happen—

'Am I ill? That's one possibility. Then again, could it be... is it possibly even, some form of... love?'

Sasuke maneuvered himself on top of her once again and Sakura wrapped her arms instinctively around his neck, though loosely, as he leaned in to kiss her still swollen lips.

It was gentle... soft... feathery light... and lasted only seconds before he had pulled away from her to look deeply into her green irises. "What am I going to do with you, Sakura?"  He made sure to allow her name to roll off of the tip of his tongue, his tone deep and smooth; the words sent to her on a whispered breath... just like a lover's gentle caress.

"I have a few ideas...," she said playfully, as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth; her orbs twinkling with a mixture of both glee and slight amusement (with a hint of mischievous mixed in as well). Sasuke rolled his eyes but allowed her to switch their position when she prodded him to do so (asking for permission to be on top). She came up to straddle his thin hips, a leg on each side, giving him a perfect view of her curvaceous and very naked flesh. His eyes darkened further as he drank in the sight of her.

Sasuke would have never allowed just anyone to force him into this position, for he was normally the dominate partner when it came to any and all bedroom activities; but with her... with Sakura... it just felt... right somehow; and he found that he was oddly okay with that.

He placed his hands on her hips and watched on silently as she made herself more comfortable.

The pink-haired female leaned back, placing her small hands on his muscular thighs, before she spread her legs wider. Her actions pushed his cock forward; causing the reddened, bulbous tip to brush sensually against her damp sex. He had to clamp his teeth tightly shut, in order to silence the deep moan that threatened to pass his lips. Sakura rolled her head to the side and her long, wavy pink hair came to rest across her back and one shoulder as she looked at Sasuke through thick, dark lashes. His breath increased and his cock throbbed; though he tried to remain as stoic as possible; wishing to give nothing away to her... not yet anyway. Through he knew it was probably futile; for she knew him in the same way that he knew her—

"Shall I show you some of them, your majesty?"

Sasuke smirked slightly at the title in which she chose to address him (he would make her say his real name later when he was balls deep inside of her tight core) and his grip on her hips tightened as he rocked her lower half against him; eliciting a pleasure filled moan from his little maiden. 


The King's maids and butlers made sure to leave them alone for the remainder of the evening and well into the early morning hours of the next day.

All of the women blushed deeply, however, when they would pass by their King's chambers; for they could distinctly and quite easily hear the loud and shameless sounds of pleasure coming from the female inside. Though her counterpart was equally vocal whenever he would reach the peaks of his own desires; which happened off and on several times over the course of the night and well into the morning.

They all knew it was inevitable that the young lovers would be together; it was just a matter of time.

Though they had begun to wonder exactly when the King would actually step up and finally make things official between him and his partner; for it had been a very long time since their Master had bedded another woman; not to mention the fact that he had never been so smitten by anyone, at least, not in the same way that he was with this beautiful, fair-skinned, pink-haired maiden. They guessed that only time would tell them the exact answers to their unspoken questions...

... and in the end... they didn't have to wait long—

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now