Unwanted Attention

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Sasuke is having some trouble with one of his coworkers & Sakura decides to visit her husband at work.

A sasusaku snippet au.

Slightly 18+ content due to slight sexual themes & thoughts of violence.


Sasuke's coworker is a shameless flirt. Her name was Yua Sato, and the CEO found her to be more irritating than anything else.

The woman knew that he was happily married to his high school sweetheart; at least, he thought that she did. She had to, he talks about Sakura all of the time... almost to the point of obsession, but Yua simply won't back down.

But, neither will Sasuke.


It was just another typical work day for the young man. The daytime hours finding him sitting at his wooden desk; occupied with filling out some sort of paperwork that was spread out in front of him, when she walked in the room; unannounced. The woman was dressed in such skimpy clothing that it had to be considered illegal for the workplace.

He rolled his obsidian-colored orbs and mumbled several curse words underneath his breath while she closed the door behind her before sauntering towards him; hoping to catch his eye, but Sasuke remained focused on the task at hand... ignoring her presence all together and wishing that she would just go away. But of course, she wouldn't.

When Yua continued to simply stand there, the youngest Uchiha sighed in irritation while rubbing at his temples with his free hand.

"What do you want," he questioned; his tone was laced with his annoyance. The woman attempted for a seductive giggle, but the sound only served to grate on his last nerve. Yua leaned toward her superior, to try and place a hand on top of his; but he wouldn't allow it... jerking away from her touch as if she had just burned him with red, hot coals.

He looked up to see that she was shamelessly batting her eyes at him; another of her attempts at a seductive demeanor, but he simply found it offensive more than anything else. "Oh, I was just thinking that maybe we could go out tonight. You know, to celebrate my new promotion."

"Who else will be coming?" He already knew the answer to his own question and had a rebuttal ready for when she responded.

"Well, I was sort of thinking that it could maybe be just the two of us. So that we can get to know each other a little better...," Yua purred while she audaciously pressed her upper arms together; effectively pushing her large bosom outwards to give him a great view of her cleavage; which Sasuke happily ignored. "Maybe after dinner we can go out for a few drinks... and then after that we can go back to my place and..."

"Hn. You can go by yourself." The CEO returned his undivided attention back to his work and completely missed the annoyed puckering of her ruby-red, lipstick-stained mouth.

"But Sasuke, I already made reservations for us and..."

"Uchiha," Sasuke growled; pen moving furiously across the paperwork in front of him. His onyx-colored irises narrowing significantly.

"What did you just say," Yua demanded; her face twisting into a perplex expression.

"It's Mr. Uchiha. Don't call me by my first name. I am your superior." He lifted his stern gaze to hers and watched it twist for a moment before settling into one of open flirtation. She twirled a strand of her crimson tresses between slightly bony fingers and settled against the edge of his desk; bosom still thrust forward, much to his irritation.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now