🔞 Fantasies: Part 2 🔞

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(Au that goes with previous snippet titled Fantasies. 'Good girl' Sakura is desperate to be free to fulfill her fantasies about a certain dark-haired biker and to live her own life, take her own path...but does she have the courage?)
'Sakura, sit up straight. A proper lady has proper posture.'

'Sakura, don't eat that. You'll get fat off all those carbs and sugars. A proper lady must be thin and fit.'

'Sakura, go upstairs and change into a dress. Pants are for men and you're no man. You're a lady so act like it and dress appropriately.'
She was brought up to be the good girl, a proper lady...always doing as she was told and expected, but Sakura hated that facade she wore on the daily and was desperate to be set free from those invisible chains. She was taught that being a lady means you're not supposed to have fantasies about males of any kind, especially sexual fantasies; but Sakura rebelled against this. She just couldn't seem to stop herself when it came to him. He was starting to consume her every thought and kami, she wanted him... desperately. She also wasn't supposed to fall head over heels for one of her dad's 'co-workers'...but that didn't stop her...

She found herself once again spread out against the silky comforter on her queen-sized bed, bare as the day she was born; her hands firmly planted against her soft skin as she quickly worked herself to sexual completion. It was considered downright filthy what she was doing to her body right now but she couldn't seem to find the will or the energy to stop or even care at this point. Her thin fingers moved expertly against her body; one hand twisting around her soft breast and a breathy moan escaped her lips as the other moved against her womanhood. She shouldn't be doing this, especially to thoughts of him, but she couldn't...no she wouldn't stop...not now and maybe not ever. Her mind drifted to the dirty fantasies she had begun to conjure in her foggy, sex-filled brain.

His heated gaze on her as she writhed beneath him, his mouth parting slightly as soft grunts escaping his lips...

Small beads of sweat dripping down his bare chest as his large hands held her hips tightly...

His stomach and leg muscles clenching and unclenching as he pushed himself deep within her small body...

The sexy v that led downwards into a small patch of thick, dark hair that sat just above his throbbing large (and thick) cock...

"Oh god," she moaned. Her harsh pants became uneven as her fingers moved deftly within her core; the small bundle of nerves above twitched with every brush of her thumb. She closed her eyes tightly as her fingers began to move faster within her slick core and she imagined it being his fingers working her...his long, hard cock plunging deeply into her hot, tight core. "S... Sas-uke!" She muffled her loud cry with a hand as her walls began to squeeze her digits tightly and with one final brush against her clit, she came...hard. Her hips rocked and thrust upwards as they flew off the mattress beneath her. She moaned deeply as the spasms began to slowly subside before she was finally able to slide her wet fingers gently from within her dark depths. She lay on her bed, panting, for several moments before opening her tired eyes slowly. The sunlight streaming in through her window highlighted the thin layer of sweat now costing her heated skin. She turned her head slightly to glance at the clock and quickly shot from the bed as she realized the time. Shit I'm going to be late!

She quickly dashed into her attached bathroom and stepped into the shower, not minding the cool temperature of the water as it ran down her bare skin. She scrubbed her hair and body quickly before rinsing and stepping from the shower. Her hands wrapped a plush towel loosely around her body before she made her way across the room to stand before the large mirror where she stared at her reflection for a moment. Her pink hair and green eyes stood out harshly in any crowd and her petite features looked to be nothing special in her eyes. She sighed softly before walking away from the blurry image to get ready.

'Who the hell am I trying to fool,' she thought as she pulled on a pair of sandals before grabbing her phone from the nightstand. 'I can have fantasies about him all I want but I'm sure he doesn't even know I exist. I'm nothing special... I'm no beauty queen. He would never want a girl like me.'

Little did she know how wrong she actually was...

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now