The Sweetest of Dreams

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A dream and a touching moment between husband and wife after welcoming their firstborn, a daughter they named Sarada.

A Sasusaku blank period snippet.


A field of roses surrounded her, brushing against her skin as she walked amongst the foliage. In the far-off distance, a figure stood; a small bundle held protectively in his arms. Sakura approached the pair slowly, the soft sounds of her husband's singing reaching her ears, then rapidly growing in volume the closer she came.

It was a lullaby... one she remembered her mother singing to her as a young child, one she was certain Sasuke's own mother would sing to him as well, whenever he felt scared or alone in the dead of night.

His singing stopped when he sensed her... and he slowly turned his body to face hers. A soft, barely visible twist of his lips, the gentleness in his features, and his eyes... so dark in color, but so full of light as he gazed upon his wife with a healthy admiration; with love and affection.

"Tsuma," he whispered while slowly approaching her, the bundle still firmly against his chest. He stopped just inches away, his head bending to press his forehead against hers while his eyes slowly closed. "Thank you."

His words blew across the space between them along with the wind, and slowly the world around her began to fade.


Sakura's hands flexed, but when she came up with empty sheets, she finally began to stir.

She could hear shuffling to her right, and opened her eyes groggily to see a tall figure swaying slightly to an unknown beat. "A-Anata, where is Sar—"

"Shh," Sasuke whispered, turning slightly. Sakura spotted the tiny newborn in his arm and her slightly panicked heart began to relax once more. "I've got her. Sarada was just a little fussy. Go back to sleep, Tsuma. You need rest."

Sakura nodded sleepily and slowly closed her eyes... the sounds of her husband's soft humming lulling her back to sleep.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now