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Sakura could feel her knees burning slightly as they rubbed against the wooden floor of her bedroom; the looming figure behind her moved in time with her rocking hips. Her eyes were shut tightly and her breath was coming out quickly; when she felt the grip on her waist tighten and sharp teeth scrape the pale flesh on her shoulder she couldn't hold back a loud moan. Swiftly and suddenly she was pulled upwards, a small gasp escaping her lips as her back pressed against a hard, sweaty chest and she grasped the male's arm with both hands as it wrapped around her breast, holding her in place. "Look at me," he growled, pounding harshly into her; this angle causing new sensations to race through her body and she groaned softly before slowly opened her eyes.

Green met red and purple in the floor length mirror before her; Sakura's breath caught in the back of her throat, her eyes widened slightly. "Don't look away," he commanded and she nodded her agreement. The power, the lust, the love, the dominance...it was all shining brightly back at her as she stared at her lover. He leaned over her shoulder, tilting his head to press gentle kisses onto her neck, his eyes never left her own. The movement was a contradiction to his forceful thrust, and somehow she felt as if he was trying to convey to her how much he loved her, how much he needed her. Their hushed pants and the sound of wet skin smacking together filled the space around them; the scent of sweet and sex mixed with their natural aromas, driving them both further to their much needed end. That night Sakura felt alive, more than she ever had in years and she hoped it wouldn't be the last as she drifted closer to her blissful release.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now