To Rescue a Sorceress 🐈‍⬛

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Halloween inspired. A random thought. No description. A sasusaku supernatural snippet. Human Sasuke & Witch Sakura.



The cracked glass distorted her image. The woman behind it looked more and more like a wild... caged animal as she frantically called out for someone to help her. But nobody listened; they never did. They just stared at her in silence, waiting for further instructions from the one in charge.

An older man behind her stood near, laughing darkly at her misery. He pulled on her heavy chains to yank her roughly off her feet before pressing the heel of his boot against her chest, pinning her to the dirty, dingy floor.

His laughter deepened as he leaned over her, eyes almost black with malice. "You can't escape your fate, little witch. Soon, you will be burning in hell, just like your ancestors... whilst your flesh melts from your human body at the stake; your blood soaking into the earth, nourishing our crops as you lay amongst the others... dead and forgotten. Alone."

Sakura trembled, fear gripping her. She had only wished to help... to heal... to protect those who were less fortunate than herself. Using her gift for good... not evil; just as her Shishou had taught her.

But Tsunade-sama was correct when she said you can't trust humans. They are greedy and vial creatures.

That's what she thought as they dragged her deep into the woods. That's what she thought as they tied her tightly to the wooden stake resting in the center of a small clearing; surrounded by the decomposing bodies of her coven... her blood ready to be spilt on these holy grounds, by the very people that she had wished to save, just as her sisters had before her.

That's what she thought... until he showed up.



He watched them take her further into the brush... silently brooding as he held onto his horse's reins tightly... whilst listening to the woman's anguished pleas for someone to save her. He closed his eyes for a split second, while his mind and heart were in terminal.

They had saved his mother from certain death... protected his family from trespassers and nurtured their sick animals back to life when his father had unexpectedly passed.

He felt indebted to them, he had to repay them somehow.

So, when Sasuke saw them dragging this young maiden into the thick brush... to certain death... he decided then and there that enough was enough.

He would save this one, even if it killed him.

Sasuke opened his eyes and focused ahead, gaze shifting from left to right until he spotted a faint light in the distance which he could only assume was flames. It was starting.

He swiftly mounted his steed and kicked its sides roughly, taking off in the direction of the growing commotion. It was when he entered the clearing that he saw it... the maiden with pink locks was strapped to a wooden cross by chains, hay surrounding her up to her ankles as a red and orange flame danced closer to her bare feet from a torch held by the town's mayor. The evil glint in his eyes, chilled Sasuke to the bone.

She screamed and thrashed frantically but to no avail. The flames were quickly spreading and he knew that he had to act fast in order to have any chance of saving her.

Quicker than he thought was humanly possible... Sasuke found himself beside her and rapidly wrapped a thick rope around the wooden post, before pulling it into a quick knot. He did the same to his horse with the free end, attaching it securely to him before readying himself for the next step in his plan to free her.

The townsfolk surrounding them shouted angrily at him to stop, but Sasuke ignored them and called for his horse to go. The huge beast strained against the resistance at first, but eventually was able to break it at the base, pulling the structure to the ground... along with the female attached to it.

The woman cried out in surprise while the horse dragged her a few feet away from the flames before stopping. He jumped from his horse's back and ran to her... his sword being drawn up as the people began to surround them. His onyx eyes narrowed as the mayor came forward, the older man's dark eyes were black with irritation and frustration at the young man's interference.

"Let her go, now," Sasuke growled, his jaw growing taunt as the mayor simply threw his head back and laughed.

"Do you think that's wise, boy? I know your family... I know you. This isn't like you, Sasuke. Come now, give us the girl and leave before you get hurt."

But Sasuke wasn't backing down. He placed the tip of the sword's sharp blade against the mayor's throat... causing the man's ominous laughter to die off quickly. "I don't think you heard me, so I will say it once more. Let her go. Now."

"Or what," the mayor taunted darkly, a small bead of sweat dripping from his brow. Sasuke's gaze didn't waver and he didn't hesitate with his answer... his words cutting deeper than any blade ever could.

"I'll kill you."

With the threat now lingering between them, eventually the older man relented and pulled the key to the lock from his pocket, before tossing it to Sasuke... who caught it easily in his outstretched hand. With his eyes still trained on the crowd, he fumbled with the lock before finally a small click was heard... followed by the sounds of the heavy chains falling to the ground, which released the woman from her bonds.

He helped her to her feet... her body shaking as she clung to him with her small hands and the two walked backwards as he tugged her next to him, protecting her from the mob with his own body... while also watching them closely. He pushed her towards the horse, silently asking her to get on him, which she quickly did.

He followed soon after, and situated himself between her and the reins as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Before he took off, he glanced at the mayor who called out to him angrily. "You will NEVER be allowed back in this village again. You will never see your family, your home or anything else precious to you, ever again. You, Sasuke will dishonest them, us... everything this village stands for. All for a stupid, pathetic little witch. How disappointing you are to your family."

"So be it...," he said, before turning his horse around and taking off into the woods.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now