Accidental Encounter

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Charasuke is training with Naruto when he's thrown into an unexpected situation.

A sasusaku AU snippet! (Sasuke wearing his shippuden clothes. I got the idea from a photo I saw on Twitter!)


"Come on, bastard. Can't you keep up with me yet?"

The mocking question was irritating, especially considering the fact that the young man had been able to keep up with his blonde counterpart quite easily... even getting in a few extra hits of his own, almost as many as Naruto had.

Sasuke scoffed and stood in a defensive stance on the opposite side of the training grounds... onyx-colored orbs narrowing at the wide smirk on his best friend's face. "I think I'm keeping up with you just fine, Dobe."

Naruto charged, with a kunai drawn up to be level with his chest. "I think you could be doing better. After all, I'm up by two points." Sasuke dodged swiftly and drew a kunai of his own. The sounds of metal on metal rang through the air as the two of them hit each other simultaneously. The Uchiha thrust his left leg outwards to catch Naruto's right one with his foot, effectively pulling the teenager to the ground as he pulled his leg back towards himself.

But Naruto wasn't down for long, and the two continued to spar... as one after the other took hit after hit... until both were breathing heavily due to the exertion of their energy. "Giving up yet, teme," Naruto spoke with a teasing tone as he wiped the drops of sweat from his brow.

Sasuke frowned. "Not by a long-shot, Baka!"

Sasuke charged. Naruto dodge. Then, Sasuke found that he was unexpectedly flying.


Sakura sighed contently while the warmth of the onsen's water surrounded her naked figure. She had just finished up another busy workload at the hospital and was in need of some... rest and relaxation. Tsunade-shishou had been kind enough to give her a full day to herself before she had to go back to work and she was going to use every second of it that she possibly could to recuperate.

The pinkette gently leaned her head backwards... against the scalding stones that surrounded the pool... and closed her eyes; her mind slowly drifting from thoughts of work to thoughts of her friends. She wished that Ino and the others could be there to keep her company, but sadly they all had other obligations to attend to that couldn't be missed.

Another soft sigh left her lips and as she was about to lean up again, when a loud splash sounded in her eardrums; water splashing and sloshing around her, ruining her small little bubble of peace. Sakura raised up quickly and rubbed the drops of water away from her eyes, her mouth opening to give the person responsible a good lashing. "What is the big idea! Who do you think you are? What are you doi..."

Green met onyx slowly.
Both eyes wide, due to their owner's shock.
The man's eyes unintentionally lowered...
... then—



Sasuke rubbed at his temple and hissed when pain shot through his skull at the contact. "Here," he heard to his left and looked up to see his brother smirking down at him with a small bag of peas in his outstretched hand.

Sasuke's scowl deepened as he snatched them out of his brother's grasp. "It's not funny, Nii-san."

Itachi chuckled softly before taking the seat across from him. "It kind of is... and well deserved."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now