Just One Kiss

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(Short blank period sasusaku fluff)


"Sasuke-kun... uh... are you awake?" The Uchiha patriarch could tell by his wife's soft voice that she was hopeful in her inquiry that he indeed was awake; and as sleepy as the young male was, he still felt his thin lips pull up slightly at the corners to form a gentle smirk. The dark-haired shinobi grunted lowly in the affirmative but kept his current position; with his back facing his wife.

Sakura leaned over him slightly; soft, shoulder length hair brushed against the left side of her husband's neck and cheek, tickling him in the process but Sasuke forced himself to remain completely still; his body unmoving. "Sasuke...."

"Hn." He grunted again but remained motionless. He felt her edge closer and his lips pulled up an inch further. It was the same routine every night; after making love they would bed down for the evening and Sakura would become... needy. He didn't mind... for he loved his wife; Sakura was precious to him and he would do anything for her, though he did like to tease her on occasion.

"Sasuke-kun... I... I want my goodnight kiss." He could tell that his wife was pouting and assumed, based on her previous reactions, that Sakura probably had a deeply-colored blush dusting the pale, delicate skin across her cheeks. He decided to give in and turned over onto his back; opening his tired dark eyes, he looked up into the hopeful express on the pinkette's face. Sasuke brought his lone hand up and brushed his wife's heated flesh with his fingertips before grasping her chin lightly between his thumb and forefinger. Sasuke then pulled her down towards him slowly and watched as her eyes fluttered shut while her lips parted gently. Right before the Uchiha pressed his lips against hers; he whispered a few words into the small space between them; words that were only meant for his wife's ears.

"Just one kiss... Sakura. Then it's time for bed."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now