❤️ It's the Little Things ❤️

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                       (Sasusaku blank period)

Sakura sat with her back against Sasuke's chest, the evening light bathing them in a soft orange glow. His cloak was wrapped firmly around them both, encasing them in a warm cocoon as the evening chill began to settle around them. Sasuke's lone arm was wrapped protectively around her front, his calloused fingers rubbing soothing patterns along her upper arm as his chin rested against the top of her head; his legs propped on either side of her in a relaxed manner. Content, that was the best word to describe the situation and Sakura smiled softly to herself, enjoying this rare but peaceful moment with her lover.

"Sakura," he whispered, interrupting the silent evening; his tone was soft and she hummed in reply as she watched the sun slowly make its decent on the horizon. "Are you happy?"

She huffed at his question. "Of course, I'm happy. Why would you ask such a thing Sasuke-Kun?"

"It's just...I haven't provided you with much. I haven't given you a home yet, we are constantly traveling, and..." Sakura placed her hand gently over top of his to silence him and she squeezed it before turning slightly in his hold so her green eyes could meet his. The unusual uncertainty he was displaying in this moment made her heart clinch slightly deep within her chest. She placed her free hand on his cheek and watched in silent amusement as he nuzzled into her touch, his mismatched eyes closing tightly as his posture relaxed further.

"Sasuke-Kun...," she whispered and waited patiently for him to look at her before continuing. "It's the little things that mean the most to me. I'm happy just to be here...with you. That's all I've ever wanted is to be with you, to make you happy. I love you Sasuke-Kun. I always have and always will." His lips pulled up into a soft smile before he moved his hand to place it on her slightly chilled cheek, stroking the soft skin there adoringly...lovingly.

"I love you too, Sakura," his whispered confession was sealed with a passionate kiss. The sun was setting in the distance as they wrapped themselves in each other's warmth and love.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now