The Lost Kitten

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A sasusaku au snippet.

I wrote this as a gesture for this sweet lady to show my support and help bring awareness to her plight. Please, please, please... donate if you can and if not then please share to help her reach her goal! Let's all be kind to one another and have a fantastic day!

Her fundraiser:



Sasuke Uchiha traveled many miles to reach his destination, and though he was weary from his travels, he was also eager to see the look on the young lady's face when he brought her beloved feline home.

It did occur to Sasuke that this was probably a rather crazy and senseless trip. That he could have just as easily asked one of his unemployed friends to bring the tiny kitten home and to its rightful owner; but then... he wouldn't get to meet her if he did it that way. He wouldn't get to meet Sakura. The pink-haired beauty whose face had been haunting his poor dreams for the past few nights.

Sasuke looked down when his car came to a stop and silently watched the sleeping ball of fluff as its chest rose and fell softly in slumber. The faint sounds of purring... that were coming from the depths of its tiny belly... indicated to the young man its comfortable and also vulnerable state in his presence.

'Why can't more humans be like this...,' the male wondered for a moment before looking up at the house he had parked in front of. His cellphone's bright screen was brought up to eye level and he silently compared the two before coming to the conclusion that indeed the home did match the image that the woman had given to him through their day's long correspondence. The address did as well. 'Thank goodness.'

With a soft sigh, and with the keys to his vehicle now placed safely into his pockets, he reached one of his hands beneath the animal's tiny body and then lifting it up against his chest; his other hand moving to open the driver's side door of his car. Sasuke stepped out into the crisp autumn air and the young animal stirred only slightly before settled back down (quickly and quietly) against him as he took the small flight of stairs that lead to the front door of the two-story home. When he reached it, he took a deep breath before rapping his knuckles lightly against the mahogany wood.

He heard a softly spoken "Hold on" before frantic footsteps began to shuffle their way, closer and closer, on the opposite side. Sasuke waited, for what seemed like an eternity, but in reality, was only a minute before the door lock sounded and a young woman appeared before him. A tiny one at that.

Her eyes were as spirited and green in color as he remembered from her photos... and her hair, it was as bright, vibrant, and soft looking as they had indicated it would be. Sasuke swallowed as she gazed at him as openly as he was doing with her. "Sasuke," she asked after a pregnant pause; her voice sounding as smooth as honey... putting the man at ease almost instantly; though... the thrumming of his heart continued on.


She opened the door a little wider and the strong scent of rosemary, mixed with something sweet, penetrated all of his senses. Her attire indicated that she must have been relaxing prior to his arrival; with sweats adorned her lower half, while a short little crop-top covered her upper half. No shoes or socks were visible to the naked eye, but the pants she wore hung down well past her feet; so Sasuke couldn't be sure. Her hair was thrown into a loose ponytail with wayward, pink strands hanging down; and it also appeared that she was void of any type of makeup whatsoever.

He thought that she was absolutely stunning.

Her viridescent eyes lowered and then widened when she saw what he was carrying in his arms; her demeanor instantly changed as a wide smile spread across her face. "I can't believe that you found her, Sasuke!" The male quickly placed the tiny bundle of black fuzz into the small woman's outstretched arms and then watched as Sakura proceeded to cuddle, coo, and smother the poor animal with affection. He felt a little sorry for the poor beast for a moment but when it didn't holler in protest, he assumed that the kitten must be used to that type of treatment. Sakura's emerald eyes met his black ones once more. "Where did you end up finding her? I just can't believe that she wandered so far away from home like that."

Sasuke shrugged and placed his hands into his coat pockets. "Someone found her on the side of the road and brought her to my clinic. She was a little malnourished and dehydrated, with a minor case of ticks and fleas, but overall... she was in pretty good shape considering."

"Wait, your clinic? You didn't tell me that you're a veterinarian," Sakura said while scratching at the tiny kitten's ears with the ends of her fingertips; eliciting louder purring from the tiny feline. The Uchiha shrugged again, but didn't speak on the matter. "Wow, well I have to thank you somehow. I mean... you drove all of this way and—"

"Don't worry about it, Sakura. I'm just glad that she's safe, sound, and back where she belongs." He turned to leave, but was halted when he felt a slight tugging on one of the sleeves of his jacket. He turned to see that the woman was staring at him with a slight blush on her cheeks and a sort of anxiousness that he wouldn't have been able to indicate the source of... that is... until he heard her speak.

"I have to reward you somehow, at least for your time. Would you... would you like to come in for a cup of coffee maybe? I would love to hear more about your line of work. I mean... i-it must be so fascinating being a vet."

If it had been anyone else, anyone, Sasuke would have quickly declined the offer and already been back in his car, on his way home. If it had been anyone else... he wouldn't have made the trek in the first place. But... as it was... he found himself being drawn to her presence; not wanting to say no to her because he wanted to get to know her. Ever since that first photo... that first phone call... and that first text message.

So, with a softly spoken thank you and a gentle nod in her direction, he followed her inside.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now