Train Station

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(Sasusaku au snippet)


She was running.

Faster, and faster but yet... she didn't seem to be getting any closer. Sakura was still too far away... from him. It was absolutely maddening for her.

'I have to make it! I just... (huff) I have to... please w-wait for me...Sasuke...'

Sakura took off down the long stretch of cement, shoving her way past the other occupants who were waiting to board their own trains; trying in vain to catch up to the one that had just begun to pull away from the station. 

'Just a l-little... (pant) further and I'll...'

She was forced to come to an abrupt stop when the concrete platform came to an end and she watched with a pained heart as the locomotive thundered swiftly down the metal tracks before it then began to disappear from her view.

She was... too late.

Sakura hunched over slightly; her hands placed against her knees as she tries to catch her breath. She slowly rose, still panting, and watch as the end of the caboose became smaller and smaller before it vanished altogether on the far horizon.


Her heart began to ache.

He was truly gone; she didn't even get a chance to say goodbye.

Silent, hot tears fell down the soft expanse of her rounded cheeks but she quickly whipped them away when an older woman asked her if she was alright. She tried to give her a warm smile but felt her skin stretch tightly against the fakery, and so Sakura turned away; trudging past the curious onlookers and past the large glass doors.

She found a spot to rest on a wooden bench that was otherwise unoccupied and began to weep. She failed to notice the looming shadow that fell upon her small frame as she sat with her face in the palms of her hands; to consumed with her own grief to pay the person any sort of attention.

That is, until she heard him voice; until she heard his voice.


It was only one word; a simple word at that, but it was enough to shock her back to the present. She quickly lifted her head from her hands and looked up into the gentle smile of the man whom she thought had just disappeared from her life forever; only moments ago. "S-Sasuke..."

She watched, in stunned silence and with slightly widened eyes, as the young man slowly knelt down until he was on his knees before her; one of his large hands reaching out towards her to cup her still damp cheek while the other came to rest against her thigh. "Please don't cry, Sakura. You know I hate it when you do that." Sakura simply couldn't find the words to speak; she couldn't even breath properly for a minute as she felt like this had to be some sort of cruel dream, brought on by her heart's desire to have her one and only love here with her. But when he reached out and grasped onto her hand before pulling it to his lips and planting a soft, soothing kiss against her sweaty palm; she knew that this was no mere fantasy.

"I... I thought that you...," but she couldn't finish her sentence, as her poor throat began to clog with emotion. She wrapped her fingers between his and squeezed his hand tightly as she gazed into his dark eyes.

"I couldn't leave. I couldn't take the job, Sakura. Not if it meant I would be away... from you."

"B-but your family Sasuke! They..."

"I love you, Sakura Haruno," Sasuke spoke with conviction and confidence as he interrupted her protest. "I want to spend the rest of my life... with you," she watched him visibly swallow. His hand tightening around hers; his gaze growing intense. "Will you do me the honor... of marrying me?"

She was stunned silent; her free hand coming up to cover her openly gaping mouth as more tears began to fall from the corners of her green eyes. This... this couldn't be happening; could it? It's what she has always wanted; from the moment when she first met him. Having been with him for so many years now... it only felt natural for the pinkette to—


Sasuke released her hand from his and brought his own up to wrap around the back of her neck before pulling her down for a smoldering kiss; when they finally parted... the young couple was left completely breathless. Sasuke placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes; she relished in the feel of him being there... with her.

"I'm sorry, Sakura. I don't have a diamond ring or anything to give you just yet," she could hear the light humor behind his tone and smiled softly to herself. "This whole situation isn't exactly how I wanted to ask you a question like that; but it just felt... right."

"Shh Sasuke," Sakura cooed as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him against her; into the space between her legs. She kissed the tip of his nose gently before letting a large smile soften her features. "As long as I have you by my side... that's all I will ever need. I love you, Sasuke." She felt him hold her tighter as he breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I love you too, Sakura."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now