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While visiting his brother's gravesite, Sasuke receives a very unexpected surprise in the form of a small child with bubblegum-pink hair and vibrant green eyes.

A sasusaku AU snippet.

Young seer Sakura and vampire Sasuke. Mates.

**Yes... there is an age gap, but there is no smut in this one! I'm not saying there wouldn't be, (if I add onto this in the future & she grew up a lot!) but none for now!**


The sun was setting behind him, casting his frame in a soft, orange glow while he stood with his hands stuffed in his pockets; his onyx-colored eyes downcast and his face twisted in sorrow. "Has it been 5 centuries already, Nii-san..."

Flashes of past memories flew by him as he closed his eyes upon a deep sigh. Itachi, with his fingers pressing on the center of his forehead. Itachi, with his lips pulled into a soft smile as he praised his brother's heroics. His brother lying next to him and looking up at the stars as they discussed their day with equal parts indifference and excitement.

'Itachi... Nii-san...'

His eyes opened and landed on the grey tombstone at his feet, his midnight orbs slowly tracing the name that was carved into the stone while a small lump formed in the back of his throat. He lifted his shoulders slightly in order to pull his jacket tighter against him... and though he knew his brother wouldn't respond, Sasuke decided to voice his thoughts regardless.

"Itachi, why did it have to end like this? How can I keep living, if you aren't here to help guide me? I'm spiraling Nii-san, and I need you; now more than ever. I'm losing myself... and I fucking hate it."

Suddenly, a soft sound from behind met his eardrums; before copious amounts of brightly colored flower petals began to dance around him; swirling and twirling before making their way around the grave and then off and into the dark and distant horizon.

Sasuke turned and his eyes widened when he saw her. 'Is this a sign, brother? It can't be. Is she...'

His heart was practically in his throat as he advanced towards the small girl, who was sitting precariously on a large stone overlooking the expansive valley beneath them whilst holding a handful of flowers. When Sasuke stopped in front of her, she turned to him with a toothy grin; and although a few were missing (here and there) she seemed to be otherwise perfectly fine... dressed in clothing for the appropriate weather as if she was out for a nightly stroll.

And maybe she was... but why would she be alone?

"What are you doing out here...," he asked; his mouth running dry as he scented 'human' coming off of her in waves. 'So, she's not one of us. But how could she be my—'

"My name's Sakura Haruno! What's yours...," the little one inquired inquisitively; her small hand outstretched in a waiting gesture as she stared up at him with bright viridescent eyes and a kind smile. He slowly took her offered appendage... though delicately and with slight hesitation... before quickly retracting his and placing it back into the warmth of his pockets.

"Sasuke," he mumbled before shifting on his feet.

Her petal-pink hair blew slightly in the breeze and the red ribbon tying it up tickled the end of her nose as it blew in the wind, causing her to giggle happily before swatting the offending garment away. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. So... why are you out here so late? And all alone. Don't you know it isn't safe for someone like you to be out here by yourself?"

"You mean because I'm a human right, Sasuke...," she asked, while tilting her head to the side; an all-knowing smile playing on her lips, causing him to feel discomfort growing in the pit of his stomach. 'She shouldn't know about my kind. She's too young. She's... a human.'

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now