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(Hobo Sasuke getting a makeover from Sakura.)

A sasusaku au snippet.

Thank you so much for the inspiration for this one @AClarkpaint! Check her out you guys, she's amazing!


Dark storm clouds were rolling in quickly across the valley as a lone figure made his way to a small town. His clothes were a tattered and torn mess and his inky-black hair was lengthy, shielding his left eye from view entirely while just brushing the very top of his right. He kept his head low as he made his way through the crowd of scurrying villagers, who ignored him completely as they tried to make their way quickly to their respective homes in an attempt to beat the impending weather.

The man wasn't as lucky as they were.
For he had no home.
And when it rained in Konoha, it poured.

Rain pelted his clothes and skin, slicking down his locks as he finally found a small awning to stand under... though he continued to shiver as a crisp breeze brushed across his damp flesh. A sound to his right startled him and he turned his head quickly... only to meet a pair of wide green eyes.

"Hey, do you need help?"

The man stood rigid and remained silent... too stunned to even formulate a response. The woman leaned out of the doorway further, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear before giving him a kind, gentle smile.

"Do you wanna come in?" Silence.

"The storm has just started, it's going to get worse before it gets better you know," she persisted. Still... silence.

"It's warm here. You can wait out the storm if you like," she tried. More silence until—

"I have some food and drinks... if you're hungry."

Sakura placed a tray of treats in front of the man and then handed him a steaming mug of freshly brewed coffee... which he silently accepted. She continued to gaze at him, curious as to what had happened to him and why he was in such a state. "Do you need me to call someone for you," she asked, but he shook his head. "I don't mind, really. I..."

"Nobody is looking for me. I'm alone."

A frown formed on her lips and her brows crinkled together as she took the seat across from him. Sakura gazed at the young man closer and noticed even more things about his appearance that she hadn't before. Apart from his tattered clothing, Sakura also noticed some minor cuts and bruises marking his bare skin, and the dark circles under his eyes that were indicative of lack of sleep.

The stench coming from him was a telling sign as well that the stranger had probably been on the road for quite some time and was in need of a proper shower. She tried not to wrinkle her nose at the smell and chose instead to ask him a few more questions. "So how long have you been on the road for?"

The man grunted and refused to meet her eyes. "A while."

"What brings you to Konoha," she tried again.

"I'm just passing through."

She blew out a breath. "Where are you headed?"


Silence ensued for a few minutes as Sakura tried to gather her conflicting thoughts. When she finally plucked up the courage to speak again however... she heard a soft sigh come from him. Her eyes shifted to his tired features and she felt her heartstrings constrict slightly at the lost look in his dark eyes. "I... I won't be able to... pay you back... for the coffee and—"

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now