🔞 A Demon's Touch 🔞

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Sex with one of your very own demons can be... rather pleasant... to say the lease.

Sasusaku au smut. Demon Sakura; Devil Sasuke.

(Sorry my descriptions suck! Lol)


Stygian and swirling smoke billowed around them in lazy, uneven patterns; the action shielded the lover's naked, sweaty flesh from any unwelcome or wandering eyes; though it could be considered pointless due to the fact that they were currently in the opened (very public) chamber of his throne room.

Sasuke was panting harshly and for the first time in his young life, that he could recall anyway, he was feeling hot all over; and it had nothing to do with the blackened flames lighting the large room with a soft, dark glow... nor did it have to do with the fact that they just so happened to be in hell. It had everything to do with the fire burning in his nether regions... and in his rapidly beating heart.

What is it about this specific demon that sets him alight so easily... so readily... every single time he lays his eyes on her.

Sakura was his most loyal follower; his most loyal pet if you will. But Sasuke didn't see the female as such... not anymore anyway.

No, Sasuke had begun to see her as much, much more. Which is one reason why he would indulge in her sweet, sweet body so often; so easily and so willingly. He wanted to get to the bottom of his strange affections and feelings for this female. Though he thought he already knew the answer; he was just unwilling to let himself give into those desires... those types of feelings... for now.

Sasuke was brought back to the present when his ears picked up on the district sounds of a soft and delicate, feminine moan coming from above him. His black eyes automatically sought her out; completely drawn in by her exotic features and striking (nearly heart stopping) beauty.

She rocked above him; her shapely thighs spread wide as she placed one hand on his shoulder and the other onto his knee...

... her curvy figure bent at the middle...

.... her bouncing bosom pushed high into the air...

... while her long and wavy pink-hair flowed freely down the soft, delicate curves of her perfectly rounded backside.

Her head was thrown back... pale, slender neck exposed to his hungry gaze... and soft mews of pleasure escaped into the ceiling above where they reverberated off of every available surface; sounding like music to his ears.

She gasped his name over and over again; in a mantra that was both pleading but also laced with her enraptured pleasure.

His grip on her hips tightened as she pressed his bare ass into the cool stone of his throne harder; her hips gyrating in a more frantic motion... her pace quickening with each blessed stroke and touch of her wet, tight walls around his swollen length.

His groin was on fire; he felt as if he was going to burst right then and there—

Sasuke couldn't take it anymore, so he reached for her; pulling her down into an impassioned and feverish kiss as he grasped onto her waist tightly. When he swiftly stood (with Sakura still impaled on his shaft) and heard her startled yelp, he smirked against her plump lips before pulling away from her completely; his cock easily slipping from her dripping folds. Sakura moaned in protest, but he ignored it.

The male turned them and then tossed his lover roughly onto her front; where her small hands instinctively reached up to grasp onto the back of his throne while her knees came to rest on the slightly warmed seat. He pushed her lower back downwards with one hand while his other pulled her ass up by a hip; giving him a perfect view of her glistening, dripping sex and rounded ass. His black eyes darkened, the sight of her stroking his desires, and liquid fire burned brightly within their dark depths as his cock twitched impatiently.

"Don't move," the Devil demanded from his loyal demon, and the female merely nodded as a silent (eager) response, before he had quickly entered her once more and almost immediately, he set an unforgiving and animalistic pace. Sasuke's hand grasped onto her curvaceous backside while the other came up and around to wrap her slender, exquisite throat within his long, strong digits.

Sasuke pumped and growled and squeezed and slapped...

... Sakura panted and moaned and rocked and grasped.

He leaned down, his chest pressing against her back, and licked the outer shell of her ear with his wet muscle before nipping at the frail flesh between his sharp, white teeth; watching with captivated ferocity as her figure shivered with delight from his ministrations.

Sasuke smirked again (wickedly) as his thin lips pressed against the flesh just beneath her ear, to leave a barely noticeable kiss to the heated skin there. "Who do you belong to... pet," the male hissed between tightly clenched teeth; his cock throbbing as her walls contacted around him.

"Ahh... I... f-fuck... ugh... y-you."

The woman could barely think straight with his thick shaft slamming into her so sharply; his balls smacking her from behind as his pace increased.

The delightful sounds of her lover's low grunts combined with the sounds of wet flesh slapping against wet flesh filled the room and her ears...

... the scent of sex perfumed the room...

... leaving her in a haze of utter and complete bliss and unable to coherently comprehend much of what he was trying to say.

He growled in frustration at her lack of focus and squeezed her neck forcefully; though not enough to actually harm her fragile throat. His thin hips snapped harder against her backside... rocking her forward as he felt himself moving closer and closer to the edge—

"LOUDER, PET! I don't think the others can here you properly. I want them to hear you scream it! I want everyone... fuck... in heaven to know that you belong (grunt) to me; and me alone!" Her body was jerking; her walls were clenching; her heart was pounding.

"Y-you! I b-belong to you, S-Sasuke! Oh, fucking hell... p-please..." He grinned, the look downright wicked as his thrusting continued; faster, harder, more forcefully—

"That's it... beg me for it, pet! Beg for me to bring you to oblivion!"

"Oh fuck! P-please... I'm so... c-close...," Sakura shouted; sharp nails digging into his throne while causing the wood to crack under the pressure of her strong grip. He didn't really care; he could fix it later. Sasuke brought the hand that was on her ass down between them; long fingers brushing then pinching the soft flesh of her protruding, aching clit—

"Come for me, now," he roared before his teeth clamped onto the flesh of her shoulder; hard.

"Agh! S-SASUKE!"

"Fucking hell, pet. You're... so damn tight. Ugh... I can't... S-SAKURA!"

They came together, their hearts pounding wildly and their lungs deflating and inflating, as they greedily gasped for air. Sasuke's hot breath was fanning against her sticky flesh where he rested his forehead against her shoulder; then... when they began to feel the last pulls and pushes of their reached climaxes...

... the devil himself reached for his lover's face; grasping onto her chin gently with his calloused fingertips before pulling her in for a kiss; one that caught her completely off guard with its utter tenderness; given to her freely, from the normally stoic and unemotional male.

'Maybe, just maybe,' Sakura thought as Sasuke slowly removed himself from her fully; after a few more minutes, 'he feels for me as much as I have grown to feel for him...'

But she would never ask, too afraid to change the status quo; and he would never tell, for it wasn't in his nature to be open and honest about his feelings (real or not). It wasn't like the Devil to be vulnerable to anyone; especially one of his very own demons.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now