Winter's Chill

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(Sasusaku blank period snippet)


The Season of Winter's icy chill had begun to set in and at first, Sakura could feel its cold tentacles slither their way up and down her spine; sending the poor pink-haired medic into perpetual bouts of violent shakes and shivers.

In other words; she was freezing her ass off.

The loud, echoing sounds of her teeth chattering, combined with the sight of Sakura's petite frame quivering must have been the final straw for the lone Uchiha... because seconds later, the young woman felt his presence move in behind her, right before the semi-warm blankets were pulled away from her rapidly chilling body.

The pinkette felt her partner's lone arm pull the blankets tighter around them both before it came to settle around her thin waist; his large hand landing on top of her icy fingers where they rested against her unbound chest.

Sasuke's nose nuzzled the back of Sakura's neck gently as he pressed into her before he sighed in contentment when he finally settled down. The dark-haired nin had managed to wrap his larger frame around her smaller one quickly; in order to try and shield her from the wind that blew in from the mouth of the cave that they were currently occupying for the night. Her cheeks blazed and her eyes widened significantly. "S-Sas..."

"Shh," Sasuke shushed Sakura softly; before she could even begin to protest against his actions. When the medic felt him squeeze her gently, as a silent sign of both reassurance and comfort, she let herself fully relax against him.

Her chilled back against his warm chest...

... his and her hands and fingers wrapped around each other...

... their legs twisted and feet pressed together.

Sasuke was completely shielding her (protecting her) and also providing her with the warmth that she had desperately been craving only minutes ago. Soon, Sakura found herself diving into a soundless sleep; one filled with all of the warmth and love that her companion was willing and able to provide her with.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now