The Doll Diaries: Tea Party

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Meikura and Meisuke invite the Uchiha's to a tea party.

Another little installation to go along with the one's titled "The Doll Diaries: A Trip to the Market" and "TDD: Shopping for a New House".

This is a sasusaku au snippet.


One hour earlier...

The stare down had begun, with the wife and husband both being firmly set in their decisions.

"Sasuke-kun, can't we just..."


"But, can't you just..."


His tiny wife placed her hands on her shapely hips and gave him a pointed stare.

"I just want us to..."

"Sakura," the patriarch sighed in frustration. "I said no." Her emerald greens hardened the longer she glared at him; her posture had grown rigid. He prepared himself for what was to come next; knowing that his wife was just as stubborn as he was.

"But I ju..."

Soft, gentle footsteps approached them from the other room, causing the couple's argument to cease; for the time being that is. "Papa, please," his young daughter pleaded with him now; her black eyes shimmering with ushered tears, while her lip began to tremble. "Just this once?" How on earth could he say no to that face?


He stood and began to make his way towards the door while his wife's jaw went slack. She began to stutter. "W-what!? So, you will say yes to her... but not me!"

Her daughter stopped and turned. "Mama, don't make a fuss. Come on." Sakura's jaw snapped shut and she nodded, but gave her husband a hard glare to the back of his head as he exited the room before her.

"Fine. But... this isn't over, Anata. Not by a long shot." Her husband turned to give her a wicked and knowing smirk.

"Hn." He had to admit that he was looking forward to it.

The Present...

The sound of dishes clanking against one another was the only sound to be heard in the room; aside from the occasional flow of liquid being poured into a glass. The small family sat around their coffee table... knees bent beneath them, while the small figures pranced around on the smooth surface underneath their feet.

Meikura was wearing a new dress (one that the Uchiha matriarch had sewn herself) and she seemed to be in a more playful mood than Meisuke, who just seemed like he was simply going along with whatever she wanted; to make her happy or to get it over with, Sasuke didn't quite know which.

The small 'chatter-like' singing... that was coming from them... put a soft, sweet smile on both Sakura and her daughter's face. They brought their glasses to their lips simultaneously, the warm, red liquid causing a pleasant feeling to settle in the pit of their stomachs and Sakura sighed softly before placing it back on the table in front of her.

"Isn't this lovely," she cooed; her posture relaxed while she rested an elbow on the tabletop... her chin coming to rest in her open palm. Sarada nodded in agreement with her mother; an equally relaxed aura surrounded her as she sat her glass down to watch the small doll's exuberant performance.

Even without actual music playing, they seemed to be dancing to their own beat; a wide grin spread across Meikura's face while Meisuke remained as stoic as his larger counterpart. When the figures made direct eye contact with him, Sasuke grunted and looked away.

"Hn...," he grumbled; his own body sitting firmly in an upright position while his lone hand tensed around his tea glass. He didn't care for the sweetness of the tea, and he didn't particularly care for the doll's singing either. But, to make his family happy, Sasuke endured.

Sakura elbowed him... and hissed under her breath for him to "be nice, or else". The older patriarch wasn't at all concerned with the "or else" part of his wife's threat, but his own mother had instilled a certain amount of manners in him... practically since birth.. so he forced himself to shake off his "soured mood" and took a few even breaths, until his shoulders finally fell. When he opened his eyes, the little doll's were still dancing, but now it was a slow waltz; with their flimsy arms wrapped around each other, in a tight embrace.

Sarada had gotten up and brought over a small radio and she was currently turning the dial while listening intently to the songs until she found one that she liked. She turned it up and began to hum to the beat. Sasuke looked at his wife next... his blackeyes softening when he realized that she had her own eyes tightly closed; her body swaying gently to the soft lullaby.

Without even thinking, he stood; his hand reaching out to pull his wife to her feet next to him. Sakura gasped when he yanked her roughly to him; her chest pressing firmly against his as he bent to rest his chin in the cook of her neck. "S-Sasuke-kun, w-what..."

He shushed her, his cheeks turning a light pink (that he was thankful his long bangs could hide) and his hand held onto her waist tightly. Then, he began to move.

Back and forth, they swayed.

Her grip on him was firm.

Their bodies pressed securely together.

Hours seemed to pass by; but in reality... it was mere moments.

He breathed her scent in and clung to her; unyieldingly. But just as soon as it had begun the song changed and the atmosphere had as well. Sasuke released his wife and his attention was drawn once again to the table as Meisuke began to spin Meikura around by the hands; her quiet "laughter" barely audible above the music, but her joy evident in her features.

Sakura clapped her hands together loudly and grasped his hand (along with her daughters) before she began to drag them both to the middle of the room; then she proceeded to jump around to the music.

Her movements were wayward (and unbalanced) ... at best, but she was having fun and for Sasuke, that was the most important thing. He refused to join them, and chose to take his place at the coffee table; but kept his gaze firmly on the two women... who held his heart in their hands.

Their joy brought him joy and as he relaxed against the base of the couch behind him, he thought back to times before... when he would have never thought any of this was possible.

He then looked at Meisuke and Meikura and wondered if it was all because of them... or if it was always meant to be.


Author's Notes:

If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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