🔞Awkward Call🔞

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Her phone buzzed from its place on her bedside table and Sakura groaned in irritation as her boyfriend's movements came to a stop, his body pressed tightly against hers as he leaned over her to glance at the screen. "Just let it go to voicemail," she groaned as she pulled him towards her, pressing her lips firmly against his as she rocked her hips up into him. He growled at her and pressed himself firmly against her, his pace quickly resuming their previous motion as he grasped her hip with one hand and held her cheek with the other; both of them firmly holding her in place but his touch was gentle as he always was with her.

The resumed buzzing of her phone caught her attention once again and she threw her hands over her face and frowning. "Why can't they just leave me alone," she moaned as Sasuke once again ceased his movements to glance at her phone.

"It's Ino. You better get it," he said as he grabbed her phone to hand it to her. "She won't stop calling if you don't answer."

"I know but...," he shoved deep inside of her causing her words to trail off into a moan.

"Answer quickly so we can continue," the wicked look he gave her caused her to nod absentmindedly as she slid the button to answer, her focus was on him as she spoke a quick hello.

"What's up forehead! I've been trying to call you for like 20 minutes."

"I'm busy Ino. Can this wait," she growled as Sasuke quirked a brow at her. She saw a dark look cross his eyes as he slowly pulled her legs up to rest on his shoulders. She frowned at him, wondering what he was planning to do when she suddenly felt him start to move inside of her once more. Her eyes went wide and the knowing smirk that crossed his lips was sinfully sexy.

"I need you to cover for me tomorrow at the hospital. I'm supposed to work 8-4 but Sai asked me to go with him to visit some old friends of his and..."

"Okay s-sure that's f-fine," Sakura practically moaned into the phone as she tried to end this conversation as quickly as possible. Sasuke had moved his hand to her front, his thumb rubbing slow circles over her clit as he hit the sweet spot inside of her with his cock. She threw her head against the pillow beneath her, her eyes closed tightly and she reached down with her free hand to grasp his wrist, though she didn't try and push him away.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I owe you one!"

"Y-yeah okay. I-is that a-all," that time Sakura could hold back the small moan that escaped her lips as she neared her release, Sasuke's movements increasing and his thumb rubbing much more aggressively against her sensitive bud. Almost forgetting she was on the phone she grasped it in her hand tightly, the sound of skin on skin growing louder.

"Hang on...are you...Sakura are you and Sasuke..."

"Gotta go," she spoke quickly before hitting the end button and throwing her phone to the ground. Now effectively ignoring the hundreds of texts and calls that were coming through from an angry Ino, Sakura completely forgot about everything else except the sweet bliss her boyfriend was slowly bringing her to.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now