🔞Demanding Sakura🔞

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She grasped his dark locks firmly, wrapping her thin fingers around the thick strands tightly as she pushed him further into her. His grunt of approval made another soft moan escape her parted lips. "Please...I need more," she cried as she thrust her hips upwards towards his skilled tongue. The deep chuckle that escaped him sent shivers down her spine and more warmth to her core.

He lifted his head slightly to smirk at her, his lips glistening with her fluids and she watched him slowly lick his lips, his eyes never leaving hers as they darkened further at the taste of her. She narrowed her eyes at him and using some of her well know strength she shoved him back down, grinding her core against his mouth and throwing her head back in slight frustration as he held off her much needed release by denying her what she craved. "I said more, Sasuke-Kun." Of course being a man of few words his only response to her bold move was to start anew, quickening his pace and adding his long fingers into the mix making her cry out into the night in pure bliss.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now