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(Sasusaku au. Sasuke is a fighter; Sakura is his longtime girlfriend.)
Sakura licked her suddenly very dry lips, an impulse to jump the male currently in her line of sight was very strongly coiled within her body, but somehow, she managed to hold herself back from doing just that. She watched and waited intently as random people patted him on the back or shoulder in a congratulating manner while the young man simply nodded at whatever they said to him. His dark eyes scanned the sea of people surrounding him and she watched in delight as they finally landed on her. His thin lips quickly turned upwards slightly as his signature smirk formed across his face. Ignoring everyone else around him, he pushing past them as he made his way slowly towards her. She shivered in anticipation, the hunger behind his eyes mirrored her own and it made her panties wet; she couldn't stop the harsh breaths from coming out of her mouth through her slightly parted lips as he approached. He finally stopped before her (only inches away), his eyes never leaving hers and she couldn't stop herself from jumping at him; his arms swiftly coming around to grasp onto her as her legs wrapped around his middle.

Her arms wrapped loosely around his neck as she buried her face between his neck and shoulder, inhaling his sweaty but masculine scent deeply into her lungs. She could feel his rapid heartbeat beneath his hot, bare skin; feel his hot breath against her flesh as he leaned into her touch and knew that he was just as eager as she was to be alone, celebrating his victory in their usual...intoxicating way. "So, did you enjoy the fight?" His question was hushed as he whispered against her ear and Sakura couldn't stop the small girlish giggle that escaped her lips as he playfully brushed his lips against the most ticklish spot on her neck.

"Immensely," she purred, nipping at his neck and she felt his chest rumble against hers as he growled playfully.

"Hn. You know we could always go and celebrate now...alone." She trembled against him.

"I would love t..."

"Oi, bastard," their obnoxious loud-mouthed friend hollered loudly across the room and they both glanced up to see the young blonde shaking a fist at them. "Get a room."

Sasuke pulled Sakura tighter against him before smirking at his longtime friend. "Don't worry, I plan to." He swiftly turned and began to walk away but not before hearing his friend cursing him as they swiftly made their way back to his dressing room.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now