Enlightening Battle

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Battling an enemy can be enlightening.

A Charasuke & Sakura snippet.


Sakura was breathing hard, the air in her lungs practically nonexistent as she stared at their opponent with disdain. 'I can't believe we are getting our asses beat by this creepy weirdo,' she thought as she moved to dodge yet another round of shuriken thrown her way. When she landed, she reached in the pouch on her left thigh and pulled out a few paper bombs; tossing them swiftly at the male across from them, but he easily avoided the attacks. Sakura growled in frustration.

A few seconds later, someone landed beside her and her viridescent eyes widened significantly when she realized that it was Sasuke. "I thought I told you to stay over there with Naruto, you idiot! Lord knows that boy needs you."

"Not as much as you do, kitten." He winked at her before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to the side, just in time to narrowly avoid being struck by several kunai. "See?" She huffed and shoved him backwards as more knives flew past them and they quickly shuffled away in order to avoid the onslaught of weapons being thrown at them.

"So, what do we do now...," she questioned with one brow raised. "It's not like this guy is going to give up easily and we don't even know where Naruto is now. I think we sh—"

The very breath was knocked from her lungs when Sasuke unexpectedly rammed into her side. She flew backwards, several feet in the air, before landing roughly on her back and then coming to a complete stop. The pinkette coughed forcefully to clear the dirt from her airway and rose to her feet as swiftly as she could before glancing around, slightly disoriented.

It wasn't until she saw Sasuke lying prone on the ground, bleeding from an angry, deep wound on his chest, that she began to panic slightly, and the air in her lungs had once again dissipated. She raced to his side, hands shaking as she knelt down quickly beside him and placed them over his opened wound. A green glow began to emit from her palms, his wound lazily stitching back together. "Sakura," he coughed, a small trail of blood dripping from the corner of his lips and a tired smile pulling his mouth up slightly. "I..."

"Shh," she hushed him, her eyes focused on the task at hand. "Don't talk now. I need to concentrate. Save your energy. You might need it."

But, the stubborn Uchiha wouldn't relent. He reached up and grasped onto her wrist gently, his dark eyes growing soft as he stared up at her. Sakura flinched slightly at the deep emotions portrayed in them and her heart began to clench in her chest while her throat clogged with her own emotions. "Sakura," his voice was raspy; pleading. "I lo..."

"I said be quiet, you idiot. Save your fucking energy!" She refuses to allow him to finish, but... he still won't stop. He decided to go with a different tactic. One that managed to throw her completely off guard for a couple of seconds.

"Did I prove myself, kitten?"

She glanced at him, the look in her eyes untrusting. "Prove what?"

"Did I prove how much you mean to me just now? Do you believe me now? Did I show you how much I truly love you, kitten?"

The green glow dulled for a moment as her eyes widened, but she shook her head quickly and made a low sound in the back of her throat. "I just... we can't do this right now. Stop... distracting me." When he cupped her cheek gently, she lost it. Her hands were shaking almost violently, while her eyes closed and a single, hot tear ran down her cheek before landing on his lips. "Idiot," she whispered, her voice breaking. A soft smile pulled at his lips again as he looked up at her, with so much love that it nearly crippled her.

Sakura's eyes open slowly and finally meet his, but before she can say a single word, a sound to their right startled them both. They glance over to see their enemy walking towards them slowly, clutching a large katana in his hands; his lips twisted into an angry, wicked grimace.

He was readying himself for his final attack.

Sakura felt her heart thumping wildly against her ribcage and she only had a split second to react as lightning began to pulsate along the metallic blade. She grasped Sasuke by the collar of his shirt and pulled him towards her for a single, passionate kiss before releasing him. He had zero time to move (even if he could have with his grave injury) and his black eyes widened as she stepped around him; arm swinging back as she charged her opponent head on.

A bright light emerges around them and shields his view of the final attack and the only thing he can think of to do is to scream as an immense, loud explosion rocked the ground beneath him.



Author's Notes:
If any of these sound like your own writing or another you have read I apologize but I didn't copy anyone's work. This is entirely my own writing.

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