🔞 Sasuke's Excitement 🔞

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                  (Blank period; poor Sasuke lol)

"Sakura," he hissed through his teeth as his hand attempted to hold her in place. Their sparing matches has slowly begun to turn from small sideways glances and light touches to sweet, gently kisses and small fondling but this...this was completely different, completely new, and it excited him greatly. This was quickly turned into something much more...real than any of their previous teasing had. She sat atop his lap as he leaned against a tree, her long legs were straddling his lower half as she rocked her hips gently against him. His cock was pressed against her lower abdomen, the rock-hard appendage throbbing almost to the point of pain beneath the confines of his pants. He needed something... anything to relieve the strong pressure that was slowly building within his lower body. He tossed his head to the side and groaned lowly, allowing her lips better access to his neck as she sucked on his flesh harshly (surely leaving a nice sized bruise when she was finished), her hips continuing to grind effortlessly against him as his grip tightened around her hip.

He began to thrust upwards against her, unable to stop himself any longer as his brain shifted to images of himself pounding into her, taking her in every position and every possible way he could imagine as she screamed his name. His. "S-Sakura, I'm going to...," he growled but it was too late and his mismatched eyes shutting tightly as a flood of euphoria washed over him. His long shaft began shooting his hot cum onto his clothing, dampening the fabric, as she pressed her body tighter against him...unaware of what had just occurred. When the feeling inside him began to slowly fade from his brain he felt her hands working their way down his chest, her nails scrapping against his skin sharply as she moaned against him. When her hips snapped forward again, the now sensitive head of his cock began to rub painfully against his heated skin causing a small but sharp stinging sensation to shoot through his lower body. He grabbed her tightly and pushed her away gently, his breath coming out harshly as he slowly opened his eyes.

Her confused gaze was on him (watching him closely), her cheeks stained pink though not from embarrassment for once, and her mouth was parted slightly as she let out soft pants between her slick, plump lips. "W-what's the m-matter Sasuke-Kun," she huffed between breaths, brows drawing together slightly. "Is this...are we moving too fast? I t-thought that you..." He squeezed her hip gently in an attempt to calm her, his dark eyes were fixed on her bright ones as he stumbled to come up with an excuse that would sound plausible without making him die from the embarrassing truth.

"I thought I heard something," he stated roughly before swiftly removed her from his lap and rising to his feet. He turned his back to her then so he could try and discreetly adjust his still semi-hard manhood to a more comfortable position in his pants. He cleared his throat and turned slightly so his gaze met hers once more. "I'm going to go look around. You stay here. I'll be right back," and with that he took off into the thick brush of the surrounding woods, the slight shade of pink covering his cheeks was hidden from her view and for that he was thankful. You damn fool, he thought. What the hell is wrong with you! Can't you hold it together for two fucking seconds! We didn't even do anything and yet I... I just can't control myself when I'm around her. What the hell am I doing? He raked his lone hand through his thick, black hair and growled lowly in irritation and looked down slowly when he felt something wet against his stomach. A silent groan left his lips when he saw the small damp spot forming across the thin fabric. Great, how the hell am I supposed to cover that up!?! If Naruto finds out about this...I'm never going to live it down.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now