His Family's Crest

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(Sasusaku; Middle Ages, maybe, au)


His rough, calloused fingertips (from years of hard labor and training) traced the warm, soft flesh of his slumbering lover's cheek as he lay on his side; facing her.

The pale, silky-smooth skin was comparable to that of a newborn babe; the likes of which the young king had slowly grown addicted to (along with other things).

The pink-haired lady stirred slightly in her sleep before turning her back towards him; a soft, displeased groan escaped past her parted lips.

He quietly chuckled to himself at her (less than lady-like) behavior. He didn't intend on disturbing her any further and was intent on going to sleep himself when his dark irises caught something on her back that caused him to freeze.

There it was; directly in the middle of her back, where his borrowed shirt covered her otherwise naked form.

What had caught his eye... was his family crest.

The king's mind began to race with possibilities, and different scenarios, as his fingers reach out (almost tentatively and on their own accord) to trace the Uchiha fan that proudly shown between her thin shoulder blades.

He hadn't thought of how he would feel when he saw her wearing it; it had never been a real topic of conversation, for they were normally otherwise preoccupied with other (much more pleasurable) endeavors...

... though the thoughts that were going through his mind in that moment (as a small lump formed in the back of his throat) were entirely of his own making; since he was the one whom had given it to her to wear in the first place...

... not even considering what it would imply; but simply to show her that he did care for her and that he wasn't just using her for a quick romp (or frolic) in the sheets.

He had considered (many times over the last few months) the possibility of making a "True Lady" out of Sakura and marrying her someday soon; for he knew that the sooner he did so, the better off he would be. It would also be a way to try and appease his own family, who were constantly hounding him to settle down already because he wasn't getting any younger. Also, add in the fact that the Kingdom needed a Queen just as much as it needed it's King... it all just made since to him.

He knew that she would say yes when he asked her (it was only a matter of when) because there was much more to their relationship than just simply satisfying their sexual desires...

... and the more Sasuke observed her sleeping soundly beside him (after their intimate moment) as she wore his family's crest so readily...

...the more it solidified his observation that it wouldn't look so bad... if she wore it more often.

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