🔞 Crash: Part 1 💔

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Sasuke will take down the ones responsible for harming his wife, for taking him from her memory. They will suffer immensely for what they have done. They will pay.

A sasusaku au snippet. (May do more parts for this later... but I'm not sure yet.) Mafia boss Sasuke & his doctor wife Sakura, who is just 11 weeks pregnant with their first child.



There she was, his beloved Sakura (his wife) sprawled out on the disinfected, pristine white hospital sheets with tubes and wires, of all shapes and sizes, hooked up to her prone figure. Dried and crusty blood was still caked into her hair and clothing... while discolored bandages wrapped around various parts of her anatomy, to try and stanch some of the bleeding.

The doctor on call tonight, (doctor Tsunade Senju she had called herself at one point) spoke to him thoroughly about his wife's injuries... with each one of them seeming to be even more severe than the last. The one that was causing them the most concern however (for him and the doctor) was the one to her head. It was the reason why she had yet to open her eyes... ever since they first brought her to the hospital by ambulance.

That was three hours ago.

Every second that ticked by sent Sasuke spiraling, pacing the room while never taking his eyes off of the pink-haired beauty who had somehow managed to steal his troubled heart, those many years ago. "Sakura...," he whispered as he went to her side; his hand cupping her cheek gently, as to avoid any of her injuries. "Please, wake up. For me," he paused for a moment, head hanging down with his black eyes now firmly closed before he finished, "... and for our baby."

His cell phone chiming and then vibrating seconds after, interrupted his thoughts and he reached into his pocket with his free hand to pull it out. He noticed the name that was flashing on the screen and unlocked the message. It read:

Boss, we found the video footage. It indicates that her car had indeed been tampered with, but... sir, that wasn't what caused the crash.

His fingertips flew across the brightly lit screen quickly as he sent a simple response:

What did then?

A full minute had passed... leaving him anxiously waiting, with baited breath... before it chimed once more. His eyes scanned the text and his knuckles turned white, his fingers nearly snapping his phone in half.

It was Danzo, sir. It has to be. We found some footage of the street that Mrs. Uchiha had been driving on. One of his cars passed her swiftly, before turning around. Then, he...

Sasuke clamped and then ground his teeth together while sending a curt reply.

I don't need to know more right now. Just find them... and bring them to me personally. Alive.

Five seconds later...

Yes, sir. I will contact you again when we find something.

Sasuke replaced his cell phone, ignoring the hundreds of missed calls and messages from his friends and family to gaze at his wife once more; his hand brushing across her scalp, ever so slightly to bring the stray hair away from her face and a soft, despondent sigh escaped his lips while he closed his eyes once more.

'Please... please wake up.'



My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now