It's No Surprise

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Sasuke Uchiha is thinking about Sakura Haruno after the war. About Sakura and his own feelings.

—Sasusaku "after war" snippet—

(This one repeats words a lot, so I'm sorry!)


It came as no surprise, to the young Uchiha, that Sakura Haruno had become a medical ninja; for she had always been someone who would try to help others; to the very best of her own abilities. And as Sasuke watched her work, trying to wrap his now bloodied stump with a very tightly bound bandage, he could see why she was so good at what she did. The way her eyes turned serious and the tip of her tongue was just barely visible, as she concentrated on the task set before her, was rather... endearing.

It also came as no surprise that she had become the strongest kunoichi in all of Konoha; or in all of the world rather. Especially after seeing her take down nearly a hundred enemies with just a single (meticulously and methodically placed) punch of her tiny fist. 'I mean really though... how in the hell can so much power come from someone so... small!?!'

After watching Sakura work for several hours; he observed something new, when she took her first ever break (though it was indeed forced upon her by the fifth Hokage herself); but again, he wasn't surprised. Sasuke watched on silently (and with a very soft pull on his thin lips) as the pink-haired teen began to play with some of the orphaned kids. The Uchiha felt that she was trying to keep them occupied, while the rest of them continued to work on going through the rubble. They took a liking to her instantly and her warm smile showed just how much Sakura truly cared about their well-being and happiness.

It was heartwarming to see...

... and he found his mind shifting...

... his thoughts were swirling.

And it came as no surprise to the lone Uchiha (in that moment), that he found his own feelings for her... his own feelings for Sakura... had begun to slowly change as well.

It was both terrifying and completely exhilarating and finally (for once) Sasuke found that he was truly content.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now