Always Thankful

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(Sasusaku blank period. I didn't like this one as much but I did like it enough to share so I hope you do as well.)
"Hey, Sasuke-kun," her sweet voice called for his attention and so he turned in time to see Sakura working diligently on cleaning the fish he had just caught moments ago for their lunch; her green gaze was focused on the task at hand but he knew she was waiting for him to answer and so he did.

"Hn. What is it Sakura?"

"What are you thankful for?" He furrowed his brows and his mouth turned down slightly; her question confusing him and catching him slightly off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, is there anything in your life there your thankful for? For example, I'm thankful for lady Tsunade for helping me grow as a strong and reliable kunoichi. What about you?"

Sasuke was thoughtful for a moment before he decided to answer. "I guess...I'm thankful for Kakashi. He helped teach me some valuable skills when we were younger that have honestly saved my life on numerous occasions during my travels."

"Hmm, I can see that. Well, I'm also thankful for Ino-pig. She helps me keep my spirits up and is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. I see her as more of a sister than just simply a  friend." 'A sister huh?'

"Hn. I'm thankful for Naruto. He helped steer me on the right path even though I was stubborn and stupidly didn't want to listen to him at first. I guess... I see him as a brother as well as a dear friend."

"He's definitely something else isn't he." Sasuke  could hear the smile in her voice as they spoke of their teammate and he couldn't stop the small smile from forming on his face as well. "I'm thankful for lady Chiyo," she continued. "She gave me the courage to stand up to someone who was honestly much stronger and more experienced than I was at the time. She held boost my confidence which I believed helped me fight more efficiently in the end."

"Tsk. You don't give yourself enough credit. Don't downplay your own accomplishments or self- worth, Sakura."

She giggles at that and a small, heated blush rose to her cheeks as she bit her bottom lip gently. Sasuke secretly loved being able to make her blush; the look was...endearing. "You're to kind Sasuke-kun." He simply grunted for words escaped him. When silence followed for several moments, he thought Sakura was done with the conversation but she surprised him once more when she whispered softly. "You know who else I'm thankful for?"

"No. Who?"

"You. I'm thankful for you Sasuke-kun."

"Me...," he was somewhat stunned and turned to fully face her. "Why...why would you be...thankful for me?"

"'re the one who taught me how to love. You taught me how to never give up on someone. You taught me that I should never doubt my own abilities."

"Sakura...your being to kind. I didn't do any of those things." He watched on silently as she abruptly stopped cleaning the fish before putting it down gently on the small plate in front of her. She then rose to her feet; taking several long strides towards him before sinking to her knees on the soft ground beneath her sandal clad feet. Sakura's small hands reached out to grasp onto his lone hand firmly within the comforting warmth of her own. When their eyes met Sasuke noticed that hers held his captive; the look in her irises was both strong and determined, they were mesmerizing.

"I'm not just being kind to you, Sasuke-kun. I'm being truthful. Please believe in my words. I've never lied to you before about my true feelings... on anything. So please don't insinuate that I would do so now. I love you...I'm so very grateful for you." He observed her closely for several seconds before he pulled his hand away from hers. When he saw her expression deflate slightly, he smiled softly before bringing his hand up to rest upon her cheek. She looked at him with slight shock; his actions were not what she had been expecting.

"Do you want to know something?"

"What is it," she whispered; her attention was fully focused on him now and she licked her lips nervously. Her breath was coming out harsher by the minute as she waited for him to speak again; her curiosity eating away at her patience. Sasuke leaned down until their lips were almost touching, his dark gaze was slightly hooded as he looked deeply into her bright, green eyes.

"I'm also thankful...for you."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now