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Sakura was racing through the forest, her heart pounding as she leaped from branch to branch high above the dirt floor below. She felt the looming pressure of a strong chakra pressing in on her, getting closer and closer and she sped up, attempting to reach the gates of Konoha before whoever it was chasing her caught up to her. 
She felt fear, so strong it nearly took her breath as she took a new path, attempting to throw the person off her trial but they were smarter than that and continued to close the gap between them. Her breath was coming out fast and her heart nearly beat a hole through her chest as she shoved off a large branch. In the distance she could finally see the tall walls that surrounded her home and she sighed with relief. That relief was short lived however on her next jump. 

As she leapt into the air, she felt a strong-arm wrap around her waist effectively halting her forward momentum. She grunted as the air was forced from her lungs and she was shoved roughly against a large tree. The person holding her hostage wrapped a hand around her throat, tightening their grip slightly; enough for her to be unable to get away but not so harsh as to cut off her airway. Their lower bodies were pressed together, effectively boxing her in between the tree and her capture. She glanced up at the tall figure's face and gasped, green eyes widening in shock and her mouth opened and shut like a fish for several moments before she was able to find her voice to speak. 


"Sakura," he whispered. His voice registered much lower and deeper than she remembered and it sent warm shivers down her spine despite the circumstance she currently found herself in. She attempted to jerk away from his grasp but he held her firm. Unwilling to use her chakra enhanced strength at the moment she waited for him to speak but when he continued to just stare at her she began to grow nervous. 

"W-what are you doing? Why did you chase me, Sasuke-kun." He still didn't speak. "Let me go," she huffed, irritation slowly replacing her nervousness. 


"Why? What do you want from me?" 

"What I you, Sakura," he said as he leaned closer, their lips only inches apart. Her eyes darted down to look at his soft pout before jerking back up to meet his dark eyes once more. She watched in shock as he closed his eyes, only to open them seconds later...the dark onyx color replaced with a deep red. His tomoes moved lazily as he watched her. Her vision began to grow blurry and she fought to stay in the present, unaware of his true intentions but unable to do so she slowly felt herself slip into unconsciousness. 

She fell limply into his arms and he cradled her against his chest. Looking down at her form he took notice of the slight changes in her appearance; it had been nearly three years since they had last seen each other and she was more beautiful than he remembered (though he would never admit that out loud to anyone). He tightened his grip on her before taking off back in the direction they had come from, away from Konoha. His mind made up...he had a plan. He knew what he wanted and he was determined to make sure nothing stood in his way of getting exactly that.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now