Sarada Learning to Cook

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Sakura teaching her daughter how to make a salad. A sweet moment between a mother and her daughter. I saw someone post a picture of this, and felt compelled to write a snippet about it! Hope that's okay!

(The original idea goes to the artist that inspired me to write it with their beautiful artwork!)


The blade was almost the full length of her torso; but the young child held it steady (with the aid of her mother's hand of course).

A tapered, pink tongue poked its way out from between tightly compressed lips as the little girl's onyx-colored orbs narrowed in concentration; and her red spectacles slide marginally down the bridge of her nose as her head tilted downwards slightly.

With a low, dull thump, the sharp knife cut easily through the flesh of the freshly ripened tomato; slicing all of the way down until it hit the hard, wooden surface of the cutting board beneath it.

The youngster's eyes widened in absolute awe and wonder; causing the matriarch to grin.

"Like this, Mama?"

Sakura chuckled affectionately before brushing her calloused fingertips through the girl's short hair; she then leaned down, to place a kiss on the top of her child's head.

"Uh huh. Very good, Sarada. Papa would be so proud of you; as am I."

Sarada's face beamed before twisting into one of deep thought. She looked up at her mother and asked curiously, "Mama... is that why we always cook with so many tomatoes? Is it because Papa likes them so much?"

Sakura only smiled before nodded her head once and then resumed the task at hand with the help of her young daughter. Afterwards, they placed the chopped-up ingredients into the bowl beside the rest; so that they could easily mix them all up before serving it.

"You know, Mama...," Sarada said while brushing her hands together as if to swipe away any of the remaining grim on her tiny fingers.

"What is it, Sarada?"

"I don't really like tomatoes..."

Sakura could only laugh while she set the table.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now