Sarada Lost a Tooth 🦷

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The ear-piercing scream coming from the back bedroom had Sasuke instinctively reaching to his side for his Kusanagi as he rose from the couch swiftly. Before making it a couple steps he heard the small pitter patter of his daughter's tiny feet as she raced down the hallway. His eye bled red as he scanned the home for any sign of danger before quickly meeting his daughter in the doorway. The wide grin that was spread across her small face puzzled him and his eyebrows drew down as he frowned slightly. "Papa, Papa guess what!?!"

His slight annoyance at being scared nearly half to death by his daughter's cry (though he would never admit to that) melted when he saw the pure joy written on her face. After completing his scan of the small home and realizing no physical danger was present, he let his shoulders relax and his grip on his sword loosen. His face visibly softens as he crouched down in front of the small child who was bouncing on the heels of her tiny feet, hands held behind her back, indicating she was hiding something from him. He let a lopsided grin show before speaking, his eyes crinkled with mirth. "What is it Sarada?"

She swiftly pulled her hands from behind her back and held them out to him, her smile only growing wider as she waited for his reaction. His eyes widened a fraction before softening once again, he placed his hand out to lift hers slightly in order to get a better look at the small object in her hand. He looked back up at her face, "Let me see." Her mouth flew open as she showed him the tiny hole where her tooth once was.

"I lost mine before Boruto did," her excitement was hardly contained as she began to jump up and down, almost dropping the small tooth in the process. Sasuke placed his fingers gently on her forehead causing the small child to pause, mouth open slightly and a small tint of pink dusting her chubby cheeks.

"That's my girl."

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