🔞 Horny Husband and Wife 🔞

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Sakura watch him closely, her pale bare skin on full display for her husband and she smirked inwardly in satisfaction as she watched his body tense; the need to have her, to claim her, was evident in both his body and eyes. She sauntered around the bed, fully opening herself for his dark eyes to glance over, and they did hungrily; she the prey and he the predator. "Like what you see Sasuke-kun," she questioned, the husky hint to her voice made his jaw twitch.

"Get over here woman," he growled, eyes darkening and jaw clinching.

"Why should I," she teased placing her hands on her wide hips as she cocked her hip to the side; this time letting her smirk show which irritated him greatly, his patience was growing thinner with each passing second.

He growled at her, the deep sound sending shivers down her spin as he ripped his shirt over his head before unbuttoning his pants and let them drop to the floor. "Because...if you don't...I will punish you," his voice was deep and raw with need as he slowly stalked towards her.

She huffed and rolled her eyes though she secretly loved this cat and mouse game of theirs; even though she would never admit it out loud she knew that he also knew how much of a turn on it was for her and so he normally played along. She turned her back to him (giving him a good view of her round backside) and began to make her way across the room, swaying her hips a little more than her natural gate would have. "I'd like to see you try," she challenged; willing him to take the bait (knowing he would), and of course he did.

That was the wrong (or right, depending on how you look at it) thing to say as he swiftly moved in behind her and grasped her around the waist. He jerked her backwards until her back hit his chest, her butt rubbed against his hardened cock and she couldn't stop the small shiver that ran down her spine nor the small gasp that escaped her lips when she realized he was rock hard already. "Let me remind you," he hissed, his tongue snaking out to run along the side of her neck causing her to moan softly and tilt her head to the side, giving him more access to the column of her neck, "how I do discipline around this house." His hips thrust into her backside causing his cock to run against her heated skin.

She smiled as she reached her hand behind her to grasp a handful of his dark hair. "I'll gladly take the punishment, Anata."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now