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    (Sasusaku blank period; slightly 🔞🔞🔞)
She had made some rice ball for lunch; knowing that they were one of Sasuke's favorites but also because they would be something that would stay fresher and last longer than any other idea she had. It wasn't anything to grand or special but since their previous inn had a small built-in kitchenette; Sakura decided to make full use of it while she could. "Are you ready for a break, Sasuke-kun? It's about lunchtime," she called to her partner who was currently walked several paces ahead of her shorter stride. He turned his head back slightly so she could catch a small glimpse of his profile before he nodded his head in the affirmative.


When they came to a small clearing just up ahead, they slowed to a stop before removing their traveling packs from their sore shoulders. Sakura sat on a log nearby and opened her pack to pull out their lunches. Sasuke took the place right next to her and grunted his thanks as she handed him his portion of their meal. They sat in a companionable silence as they ate, enjoying the gentle fall breeze and the sounds of the forest. When Sakura took a peek at Sasuke she nearly spit out the bite of food, that she had just shoved into her mouth, all over him. The sight was simply... funny. Sasuke had a few pieces of rice stuck to the side of his mouth and he seemed none the wiser. Sakura placed her small hand in front of her mouth to try and cover her smile as she chuckled softly.

"What is it," Sasuke asked; his dark brow raising slightly as he turned to face her. Sakura stopped laughing and pulled her hand away from her lips but was unable to get rid of her smile.

"Sasuke-kun, you..."

"I what," he asked when she failed to finish her sentence; his curiosity peaked further.

"," Sakura bit her lips to hold back her laughter as he looked at her with confusion.

"Just say it Sakura."

Instead of saying anything Sakura suddenly felt emboldened and brave. She reached across the small distance between them and lifted her hand to his cheek, brushing away a couple grains of rice that clung to the edges of his thin lips with her thumb; her green eyes following the moment before she lifted them up to meet his intense gaze. She gulped harshly; licking her lips slowly as Sasuke's dark gaze following the movement of her tongue and she watched as his eyelids grew heavy while his dark eyes blazed with a renewed heat that took her back to the night before; where they had spent the majority of the time in bed together...

his naked body moving above her...

her body moving above him...

All of it came rushing to the forefront of her mind, causing the pinkette to blush deeply and she quickly jerked her hand away from his face as she removed her gaze from his.

"You don't have to be so embarrassed Sakura...," his tone was calm with an almost... seductive undertone to it which caused her to shiver as warm heat began to pool in her lower belly. "We've done far more... interesting things than you wiping my mouth."

"It's not's..."

"It's what?"

"Stop looking at me like that," Sakura whispered shyly as she glanced away again after sneaking a quick peek at the Uchiha; her cheeks flamed a brighter color than her hair.

Sasuke leaned into her, his hard chest brushed against her shoulder slightly causing her heart to accelerate rapidly. "How am I looking at you?"


"Like...," he pushed as he placed the remainder of his rice ball back into her lunch bag; his hand moving to rest on her heated cheek before he turned her to face him slowly; allowing their noses and lips to almost touch. Her eyes widened as she swallowed slowly; his close proximity almost to much for her to handle.

"Like you want me or something..."

"Hn. Maybe I do...," he smirked before quickly pulling away from her; leaving her flustered, extremely hot, and slightly confused by his sudden and somewhat strange actions.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now