🔞 Double Penetration 🔞

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(A Sasusaku; smut. Sakura gets fucked by two of Sasuke's clones while he watches. Possibly Boruto era.)


Sakura couldn't really tell where one male ended and the other began; so full was she as both of her husband's clones thrust into her with equal vigor, simultaneously. Their harsh, deep sounding pants and grunts mixed with her soft, feminine moans and whimpers. Sakura wrapped her arms tighter around the one in front of her while the other clone pulled on her hair harshly so that he was able to lick a long trial of saliva up the slim column of her throat with his tongue. Her head was now tilted to the side and the clone's hips thrust against hers as he pounded into her back entrance. When his teeth sunk deeply into her soft, pliable flesh roughly; the pinkette moaned loudly as she moved her shapely hips in time with theirs.

The pleasure...

...mixed with slight pain...

...combined with the feeling of being completely full 'down there'...

...alongside the very stimulating feeling of having two males inside of her at the same time...


All of it became way too much for her to bare any longer.

The pinkette cried out as she felt her inner walls clamp down harshly onto the large cock that was buried deeply between her dripping folds. The male whom it belonged to groaned loudly as he thrust harshly several more times before seating himself firmly into her tight hole; right as he spilt his hot seed into the depths of her womb, he grabbed onto her tightly. Sakura fell forwards, completely out of breath as the male behind her continued to thrust (with more vigor) into her; his fingers coming around to pinch the sensitive bud that was her clit. The action caused a mixture of hers and the other clones fluids to leak from her front, where he was still seated within her and another cry of pleasure to escape her widely parted lips.


After hearing her 'real' husband call her name, the woman opened her eyes slowly; her slightly dark, half-lidded gaze met his even darker one from where he was positioned across the room. He was sitting in a recliner; clad only in his birthday suit with his arm resting on his thigh and his lone hand grasping his rock-hard member. Sakura's gaze moved to that area and she watched as his thick cock twitched with eager anticipation; his large hand was pumping the length of it slowly.  Sasuke leaned forward in his seat so that he was sitting closer to the edge of the chair; closer to her position on the bed where she was receiving both of his clones enthusiastically. "Have you had enough yet?"

'Hmm... had she had enough of his clones? Was Sakura ready for him to come to her just yet?'

"N-no... please...m-more...I need..." Sakura was unable to continue speaking when a rather harsh thrust from the clone behind her forced her body forwards and a small scream of surprise escape her. Seconds afterwards the original clone, the one that was still planted within her womanhood, vanished into a small puff of smoke. She would have fallen on her face if it wasn't for the strong arm that held her firmly around her thin waist. The clone behind was holding her closely to him as he leaned into her smaller frame with his much larger one; his thrusting had intensified which caused Sakura's inner walls to throb with the need to wrap themselves around something. "Please Sasuke-kun...," she cried as she grasped onto the arm supporting her. "C-can I have... more..."

Her heated gaze met her husband's once again as his clone continued to pound her from behind. He regarded her lazily for several moments as she awaited his answer eagerly; knowing already what the outcome would be to her request. The Uchiha was never good at denying her what she so desperately desired; especially in situations such as this. A wide smirk rose across his lips as he brought his lone hand up and held it in front of his face. "You are such a greedy little thing tonight... aren't you, Tsuma."

Seconds later two more clones were added into the mix and she watched as they slowly made their way towards her; her tongue darting out to lick her suddenly very dry and already slightly swollen lips. She would be needing them... very, very soon.

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now