Hitman for Hire 🔪

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If you need a job done, Sasuke is your "IT MAN". When Sakura finds herself in a deadly situation, she will do whatever it takes to save her own life. That includes hiring a hitman; to kill her sleazy... manipulative...no-good... cheating husband.

Hitman Sasuke and business woman Sakura. A sasusaku au snippet.

(I'm thinking of turning this one into a story. If I do, it will be an 18+ fic due to cursing, violence, gore, & sexual themes.)


Sasuke Uchiha looked at the lifeless body at his feet with indifference; a cigarette protruding from the corner of his lips while he gave it a hard suck, before allowing the breath to fall from his mouth. 'Like a river of the sweetest honey...,' he thought.

He placed the rounded stick on the table beside him and then lifted the chainsaw back into place; preparing to finish the job that he had started by dismantling the body; that is... until he heard the soft, but sharp knocking coming from his front door.

The male cursed, low and deep under his breath; then placed the saw back on the floor beside the corpse... and whipped his hands on a towel that was draped over his shoulder, before making his way to the door.

He looked through the small peephole with mild apprehension and then pulled it open; enough to allow some of the hallways bright light to filter in through the gap, but nothing more. There was a woman on the other side; a beautiful one at that.

"Sasuke...," the young woman question; her gaze intense as she eyed him up and down. She took a rather small (and almost tentative) step forward; while clutching her small pocket book closely to her petite chest. "You are Sasuke... am I right?"

"Who wants to know...," he growled roughly; eyes scanning her slowly... from head to toe. He could admit to himself that he appreciated this lady's appearance; though, Sasuke knew that he would never admit to that fact out loud.

The woman leaned just a little bit closer; allowing for her natural perfumes to assault his flailing nostrils. His large hand flexed (violently) against the mahogany beneath his fingertips as his eyes narrowed marginally. "My friend... told me about you; and your... your... job." Sasuke's black eyes narrowed even further; curious, but wary. "I have a request... and I have money," she continued.

"Who sent you... and what is it?"

She licked her dry, plump lips slowly; green eyes darting around her... as if waiting for someone to appear at any moment. "As to who sent me... well that's not really important... at this time, anyway. But for my request, I need you to take care of... a certain someone for me."

He opened the door just a little bit further. "Who is it?"

Her viridescent eyes grew dark, dangerous, and deadly; while her hand tightened its grip around her clutch. "My... (she sighed) it's my husband. I need you to kill my fucking husband."

Sasuke opened the door; just enough so that she could step around him. He nodded behind him, to call her forward. "I think we need to discuss the details... in private."

The woman sighed in relief and gave him a warm smile; before stepping forward. "I couldn't agree more."

My Snippets: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now